No question plant based diet is best?? Don't think so.
Man is an omnivore thats clear as day by looking at teeth and digestive systems. We can eat plants and animals whatever is around. And there is no good evidence that vegetarians or vegans live much if any longer than meat eaters. Start showing me 150 year old vegens and maybe I will convert. I have seen plenty of meat eating people past 90 and many past 100 people ,fact many of them ate tons of
White Sugar , white flour and many ate meats that were supposedly even worse, corn beef, salami,smoked deli meat,hot dogs.Father is 94 and can still walk around and his mind is still pretty good. My mother never cooked a cake, cookie , or any baked good with anything but white flour and white
Sugar and she baked a lot. And dinner was often,salami or smoked meat sandwiches,hot dogs weeks sometimes twice weakly,hamburgers ,always meat for dinner.
Standard joke applies here.
Do Vegetarians live longer?
It only seems longer!
Vegetarianism or veganism is not natural at all.Human beings are top predator on the planet. We have killer instinct.We can chose to try to ignore this but its there.
And for those know it alls on this forum and there are several I was eating meat day one of my refeed and it digested just fine.Had some form of meat ,chicken,beef,pork,veal just about every day of refeed no problems at all.
For millions of years man broke fasts by eating meat as that was the only food around most of the time. And our genetics have not changed much at all.