i sent a 15
inch worm in to a lab. nothing but the worm. and the test came back "no parasite". i was also tested 2 other times through stool submission and again was told "no parasite". yet since i've been cleansing I have passed a wide assortment of worms almost every other day. clearly the tests are inadequate and irrelevant. almost everyone else on this forum has experienced the same thing.
what is relevant is how i feel and what i see in my stool, no test required.
just like, i don't need a test to tell me that the sky is blue. i look at it and its blue.
look in your stool. if you see a worm or two, or things that look like they could be worm parts, then you know it was die off. get a skewer stick and dig around. if you won't do that, you really aren't serious about this and are wasting peoples' time.
i haven't read anything anywhere that would connect DE with your symptoms other than die off. so if you are sure its not die off i would be looking for something else. maybe the weather like you said. maybe what you are eating. maybe your liver.
DE is just silica. are you allergic to silica? do allergic reactions typically create exhaustion and brain fog? or hives and itching?
brain fog is generally caused by too much ammonia in the system.
when more protein is taken than the liver can process, it creates ammonia which goes to the brain and creates 'brain fog' that's why people with liver trouble have 'brain fog'. they eat too much protein.
Die off also caused 'brain fog' because dead worms release ammonia.
Look it up. while you are at it look up silica toxicity. find out what it's symptoms are and at what dose they generally come on, if at all.
then look at how much DE you took.