Well don't have a juicer so I made due with what I did have, my hands. I drank grapefruit juice (4 oz.) mixed with water. I also drank a lot of water because I am so used to it now. I started drinking the juices as the were meal replacements. For breakfast I had the grapefruit juice then I had V8 juice for lunch water after and then more v8 for dinner. I also had an apple (1/2) about 3 hours before bed. I only fasted for 6 days because I started losing too much weight.
My first fast was the last week of Feb. and what was suppose to be a 15 day fast turned into a 5 day fast because my husband and mother were worried. I started another one though after they knew how good it was for people and then I went to the bathroom yesterday morning and had what looked to be a mucous plug that woman get when they are pregnant. It had blood in it. I made the mistake of telling my husband and he said,"It's probably that diet your on!" With an attitude, so I ended up breaking that one too. All too soon for me. I will do another one and darnit if I won't get to 15 days. I will. Anyways, when I started the first one in Feb. I weighed 150 and 5 days later was 137 but gained back 3. After my second (currently) I weighed 133, but somehow managed to gain 2
lbs. over night with just the juices and apple that i ate. Don't know how that happened. Hmmm.
Sorry, I tend to ramble on when it's my turn to talk. lol.
I broke it slow with juices and the apple, but because it wasn't a long fast I didn't have to break it long either. Tomorrow I will continue to break the fast with more V8 and a salad with no meat or dressing.
Thanks for the tip about eating, I think I missed that quote from Dr.
Hulda Clark . I know now. At least I never ate while doing the cleanse. :)
Maybe I did remember deep down. :)