Hello candida sufferers
I really need help identifying my illness and i greatly appreciate any advise.
I am male and have taken
Antibiotics for around 3-4 years (maybe even more) for my eczema. I also have a very white tongue in the mourning and cannot tolerate normal milk as it makes me constipated, I also see undigested food in my stool sometimes. I also did the so called "candida spit test" and found masses of string and cloudy substances forming. I Occasionally see clear and white flakes usually very small strings in my stool and im not really sure if its candida albicans. For some odd reason my constipation is worse, but i don't know why because im on a candida diet( not really strict) but it may be because for the last couple of nights i eat a large plate full of cooked veges, rice and chicken for lunch everyday.
I really need to get better before university starts beacuse if i dont i wont be able to study.