There are may steps that people take along *their* path of relearning the knowledge that we have lost.
In no particular order...
The first step most people take, is to *stop doing* those things that contribute to, or exacerbate their illness(es)... such as eliminating toxins and such from their lives, especially those that they may be sensitive too. Finding natural, non-toxic substitutes.
Perhaps that may mean eliminating a chemical pharmaceutical, replacing it with an herbal medicine - still the herbal is a *medicine* for a symptom, however, it is a huge step in the right direction... that most often comes with far fewer side effects.
The second step may be fasting, mineral baths, and\or cleanses... perhaps a *flush* or two.
The third step one may take, is replacing bad foods with better foods in a horizontal trade off that does not radically affect their lifestyle and activities... such as replacing refined salts, oils\fats and sugars with unrefined salts, oils\fats and sugars, etc.
A third step may be to go organic entirely, or where possible or affordable... perhaps free range if they choose to be an omnivores like me.
Perhaps a fourth step would be in part, to grow their own foods... filter their water, restructure it, etc.
A fifth step may be to learn the value of spirituality, positive thinking, prayer, meditation, etc.
Each *step* may, if an individual starts out very ill, show profound improvements in physical, mental, and\or spiritual healing that greatly improves quality of life.
Finding foods that *build* the body, while *aging*, and make it stronger yet, in spite of todays many physical, mental and spiritual assaults, has been just another *step* in my journey; and the one I am most interested in now.
People at work drop jaw when they find out how old I am as I run circles around the 20 somethings and am a grandfather... three times over now.
Most of this realization, that what we have been conditioned to accept, and believe as true, is actually false... and it takes time, and most, like myself go through all phases of loss upon realizing that our educators and overseers\lords have LIED to us - and for the most part - do not give a crap about us AT ALL, as long as we stay perfectly conditioned to work, consume, and stay in debt\slavery.
I think it has been 7 years for me this year in March since I for the most part told my doctor to go to hell...
My study focuses now on indigenous and aboriginal diets which, are being found to be very scientifically AND genetically valid, and sound... after all, if they did not ensure strong, robust, fast and quick physical lives, or the passing of that *genetic* advantage onto their children... they were dead, and eventually extinct.
For instance... the *wild* Inuit has a 90 to 100% animal based diet, and the *wild* Yanamamo has an 80 to 85% plant based diet, yet when eating their native diets they are both strong, healthy, VERY STRONGLY illness resistant, and disease free into old age.
Why is that?
Some believe it is because their mental, spiritual, and physical health was *all one* with their environment... they had become a part of thier environments... and lived a life of prayer, love and gratitude for what they had, rather than as becoming the destroyer of the planet, and every thing on it that modern man has come to be.
So while diet and food, along with water and air are of paramount importance to the quality of our lives... perhaps our attitude towards that life, and our responsibility to it, and those things around it that make life possible, are much, much more important.
It is a wonder that these *primitive* people knew what they did without the understanding of *science*. Seems to me that they had a great deal more common sense than man seems to have today.
Another thing to realize is that their whole lives, centered around the availability, and maximum nutrient value of their food and water sources.
In my mind... they were much smarter than we are as a whole.
Did they have *neurotic* food fetishes? Or, was it a matter of survival that their whole lives were spent hunting, gathering, and preparing food, making protective clothing and shelter?
The obvious answer was that it was a matter of survival... the strong survived... the weak perished.
A few years of poor food and\or famine wiped out whole tribes due to genetic degradation.
Food is that important.
That is biological truth.
About Uny...
I have absolutely every confidence that Uny is a self made, and very strong, independent woman... it not only takes great strength of character, and a strong sense of self love and respect, but also a disregard of personal ego to unlearn the lies, learn the truth, and then persevere and endure through what she has.
Her significant other is just as strong.
We should all be so fortunate.