I am trying to use organic bone, flesh and cartilage formula on my back which has several problems--4 herniated disks, several bone spurs, narrowing of disk, stenosis, etc that may be the cause of the very uncomfortable paresthesia and nerve pain in my foot/leg.
I bought all the herbs despite having no money lately and just made it but cannot use it due to inability to figure out a problem.
You are supposed to soak a cotton or flannel cloth in the liquid formula (which is slippery due to glycerin) and then cover with plastic and leave on 6 days a week..week after week
I have been unable to get it on.
I tried saran wrap but can't maneuver the wrap and hold the cloth in place in the back of me and live alone..the wrap crunched up to the size of a 2
inch strip and then the wrap got messed up and could not get it off the roll had to try to use scissors and then it got cut up and started in several areas not straight acoross and lost 75% of it and still not working right. It will not stay in a wide sheet but always crunches up when trying to place it in the right place over the cloth and then hold and wrap it. If I do a long piece, it scrunches all up and if I do a short piece, I cannot hold in place well enough to wrap around body as need 3 hands.
I tried a piece of plastic over the wet cloth and then duct taping or taping my body but the tape sticks in wrong place on plastic and it is then hard to get it off to lie the plastic flat. Again cannot hold it in place with cloth in there in the right place and tape..need another person.
I then tried getting a long strip of cloth and trying to tie it around me with the goal of adding plastic once the cloth is secured but did not work as could not get it in the right place on my back hold the cloth and then wrap the long cloth,
Can anyone think of a way to get the plastic to cover it or how I might do it some other way (need it around bottom thoracic vertebrates down to tailbone.
I have been trying to do this for 5 hours unsuccessfully and how can it do this each night even if I would happen to succeed tonight.
How could I fix something that I can easily wrap and secure and re dip each night. Also do not want to get this on my bed ..I did see one can use oiled silk but that sounds very very messy
Please give me some ideas as I have been through hell last several month with several injuries, bedridden for weeks, can't walk, depressed and was suicidal for a long time.
Insurance will not pay chiropractor more than once a month and that is not enough plus he has not been able to get it to pop or shift in several visits over the course of the injury so every time it does not pop I feel I wasted a precious visit.
I am going to try acupuncture but only can afford 5 or 6 visits maybe.
I was counting on Dr Christopher's b, f an c helping but did not realize applying it would be so hard and nearly impossible.
I had part of plastic sticking five minutes and it was very very hot with it covering big portion of my back (not to mention front if needed and knee which is also messed up).
please help me come up with some way to apply it. The purpose of the plastic or oiled silk is to hold moisture and heat in an prevent it from drying out.