Every symptom that is associated with af, I have.
Extreme fatigue
Weight gain, hard to lose weight
Hair loss
Water retention....up the wazooooo, takes forever to go down..if it does.
Loss of concentration
Brain farts, um I mean fog
Low body temp, it's freezing all of the time. Heater set at 70!!
So many more.
Where do I start healing my adrenals?
I have read up on this a little and thought that all I needed was vitamin c and something else, I forgot. I have it written down somewhere.
I am extremely forgetful, it's terrible.
Please help me, I want to get better. I'm so tired of being tired and forgetful and cold and well swollen with water retetion. I feel like I can't have any salt because I swell up and am up at least 3-5
lbs. The next morning. If not more. It bites. I watch my sodium to a t. No pre packaged or processed foods. No bread....or anything. Just fruits, veggies, and very small amounts of protien. They bind me up and are hard to digest.
Any help would be very appreciated.
Thank you!