I think alot of my problems are from digestion issues.
Antibiotics use for over five years. The other day I started taking humaworm an probiotics. I got bad die off yesterday I felt like I had a flu an couldn't move all day. First time I've ever felt die off in my eight months struggling taking pill after pill
I took the same pills today, no die off. Just feeling my symptoms come back.
The only thing I changed was I didn't take anything to raise stomach acid, cause everytime I take acid forming stuff now I get this horrible burning in my nose. Post nasal drip. And this horrible pressure /pain at the base of my brain To my forehead.
The rest of me feels alot better when taking hcl an my other pills. Just this head pain an pressure an burning in my nose is unbearable. Any ideas? I feel like my body can digest the pills an I'm just peeing them out if I don't use acid
Muscle testing doc said I got gallblader problems an blood
Sugar problems. All my other symptoms are listed on my public profile