I have just written a letter to Mr. Jim Humble Concerning the illness that accompanies the taking of
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement , or Miracle Mineral Solution.
I wish to share it with all of you.
Letter To Jim Humble
December 18, 201
Dear Jim:
First off I wish to Thank you not only from me but also from the 10’s of thousands of individuals that have benefited from
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement , or Miracle Mineral Solution.
I am the director of miraclemineralmms4sale.com and I am very proud to have joined your world wide efforts concerning Miracle Mineral Solution.
We do not sell
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement , but rather have elected to provide individuals the ability to “produce” mms safely in the privacy of their own homes thru the sales of low cost Miracle Mineral Solution Production Kits.
A little Bio on me:
I am an engineer by training in the industrial / construction industry. I have recently spent a great deal of time on the African continent. My last project there was as site manager of a great oil and gas production facility in Soyo, Angola.
Although I had the privilege of working all over the world in countries such as Ethiopia, Nigeria, Kenya, South Africa, Portugal, Germany, and many others Angola was the “eye opener” for me.
Angola being a previous Portuguese colony, and the first language there being Portuguese the consortium building the facility provided me with an interpreter. Domingo was at my side almost 18 hours each day, and we became very good friends.
One day at the end of the day shift we were in my office just chatting, and I noticed how beautiful Domingo’s teeth were, very white, and very straight. Matter of fact all the local Angolans that I hired (1200) to help build the facility had almost perfect teeth.
I asked Domingo “Hey who is your dentist?” Domingo replied “Dentist?” I said “Yes, who is your dentist? Your teeth are perfect; I want to go to your dentist”
Domingo just laughed and said “Sir, we do not even have doctors, what makes you think we have dentist?” “I have never been to a dentist”
I asked him, “Well how many cavities do you have?” Domingo replied “cavity? What is cavity?”
Immediately I stood up and walked to where he was sitting and asked him to open his mouth.
Not One Cavity!
The next day I set out to find out why all these people had such beautiful teeth.
Jim what I learned totally spun me around. All I thought I knew about chemistry, at least what was propagated thru the corporate world I lived in, was wrong, or at minimum, adulterated.
Angola Has only had 300 “fatal” cases of cancer in the last 10 years!
Angola also does NOT have a chlorinated or fluoridated water system, but they have perfect teeth, and no cancer. The U.S.A. and UK. Combined have almost 600,000 new cases of some kind of cancer reported every year, but I am afraid the true causes of pathogen mutations is far more nefarious than just chlorine, and fluoride even if these were not cancerous enough.
You see, Not only did I build large industrial complexes, but I also designed water treatment facilities, including the water treatment facility for the Angolan project where we used the Congo river as our fresh water source, if you could call the Congo “fresh”, Yes, we pulled water from the Congo, treated it for potable water, and then we treated the waste water prior to returning it back to the Congo.
The UN. Tested our effluent almost daily for water quality, and almost every test came back that my system was returning water back that was classified as sewage water that was over 100 times cleaner than the Congo itself.
I used ultraviolet, along with the standard means of sludge removal, but also added chlorine dioxide by onsite metered generation of chlorine dioxide by using Sodium Chlorite and activated thru a process that produces .999% pure alkaline chlorine dioxide gas diffused into water.
Jim the interesting part about this, and which is one of the main reasons for this letter, is that we were able to produce dissolved chlorine dioxide without the release of chlorates into the chlorine dioxide solution and without low pH levels.
It is a system in which the “reaction” is contained within a gas permeable membrane that traps the chlorates, and acids, but allows the chlorites and chlorine dioxide gas molecules to pass into solution.
Jim, the chlorine dioxide molecules are very similar in size to carbon dioxide molecules, and as you know chlorates are “larger” molecules than chlorites.
This is how they are trapped.
This is also one of the main reasons that the FDA has written it’s warning letter against Miracle Mineral Solution.
“How its Prepared” is a quote from that FDA warning letter.
Jim, as you have stated chlorates bind to sodium, and you are correct! Not only in the laboratory, but also in the human body.
Mixing Sodium Chlorite with an acid like
citric acid , or even what could be called an extract of apple cider vinegar, ascetic acid, will produce a “out of balance” ration of chlorates to chlorites.
You see, almost 8 chlorates are produced to every one chlorite molecule which is the molecule we need to kill pathogens.
Jim, now let’s step forward to today’s low salt diets as propagated by western thought.
The low salt diet means that almost all western peoples are already suffering from a chronic deficiency of sodium in their bodies, and people that are living in undeveloped countries such as Angola are also suffering the same sodium deficiency due to lack of access to sodium, or lack of use of it.
Jim what it appears is that individuals taking the MMS, and who are already deficient in bodily sodium are moving from chronic deficiency to the immediate clinical deficiency due to the influx of the mass of chlorates consumed which immediately bind any available sodium available within the body.
They now reach Hyponatremia.
The symptoms of Hyponatremia include nausea and vomiting, headache, confusion, lethargy, fatigue, appetite loss, restlessness and irritability, muscle weakness, spasms, or cramps, seizures, and decreased consciousness or coma. The presence and severity of symptoms are associated with the level of serum sodium, with the lowest levels of serum sodium associated with the more prominent and serious symptoms. However, emerging data suggests that mild hyponatremia (serum sodium levels at 131 mEq/L or above) is associated with numerous complications and undiagnosed symptoms.
Neurological symptoms often show for extremely low levels of sodium. When sodium levels in blood become too low, excess water enters cells and causes the cells to swell. Swelling in the brain is especially dangerous because the brain is confined by the skull and is unable to expand. Neurological symptoms most often are due to very low serum sodium levels (usually <115 mEq/L), resulting in intracerebral osmotic fluid shifts and brain edema.
This neurological symptom complex can lead to tentorial herniation with subsequent brain stem compression and respiratory arrest, resulting in death in the most severe cases. The severity of neurological symptoms correlates with the rapidity and severity of the drop in serum sodium. A gradual drop, even to very low levels, may be tolerated well if it occurs over several days or weeks, because of neuronal adaptation. The presence of underlying neurological disease, like a seizure disorder, or non-neurological metabolic abnormalities, also affects the severity of neurological symptoms of this very serious condition can vary.
Jim, as you can see that many people can “adapt” to this condition over time, as is evident by people starting out on MMS at only a couple of drops at first and then gradually increase the quantity of drops over the course of days or even weeks.
Jim, the Sodium deficiency is still there! Only the body has adapted to less levels which is NOT healthy, and delays healing.
Yes, there are chlorites, chlorine dioxide, doing its pathogen killing job, but we are also compromising our human bodies systems as well.
Almost 99% of all plant life lives on the potassium cell system, but the human body runs off of SODIUM.
So you see, when people start out taking 10-15 drops of activated MMS, and they are sodium deficient they are actually putting their very life at stake.
This would conclude reason number one concerning the grounds for the FDA warning letter.
Reason number two:
citric acid :
citric acid causes allergic reaction in 30% of all the living human population. All current citric acid is produced by the fungus Aspergillus niger.
The symptoms of citric acid allergies are:
gas, migraines, bloating, cramps, diarrhea, or skin rashes after contact with citric acid.
Jim, does this sound familiar?
Now when we couple the issues with citric acid, and then add the issues with chlorates, now are you really seeing the main issues with MMS, as it has been propagated to be taken?
Jim, it is not the bleach issue as the FDA has said so many times.
I swear I think the FDA used 3 lawyers and two psychologist to write that letter. They know that chlorine dioxide and chlorites are the answer, but they want the public to read the warning letter and instantly, because of the way it was written, People get an image of CLOROX BLEACH in their minds eye.
Jim, we both know that chlorine dioxide is not chlorine like what is used to treat water or wash clothes, but the population at large, even those in high office do not understand the difference.
The FDA knows the difference, and so does the Big Pharma industrial complex.
Jim, What I would like to put to you as a remedy for these two issues are as follows for your consideration.
Number one: Advise people to add a pinch of salt to the solution prior to drinking it. This will give the chlorates sodium to bind to without them robbing sodium from the body.
Remember in the past dentist would advise patients after dental surgery to rinse with “salt” water to speed healing of the mouth?
Number Two: Please advise people to add 1/8 tsp of sodium bicarb (baking soda) to the solution prior to drinking it when it is activated by acid. This neutralizes the acid, but does not affect the chlorine dioxide content as can be verified by the use of a chlorine dioxide test strip to test the solution before and after the addition of sodium bicarb.
Jim, people who are very sick are also suffering from acidosis, they are already far too acidic, and just the addition of the acid from MMS can prove to be too much for them.
The symptoms of acidosis:
Symptoms may include chest pain, palpitations, headache, altered mental status such as severe anxiety due to hypoxia, decreased visual acuity, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, altered appetite (either loss of or increased) and weight loss (longer term), muscle weakness and bone pains. Those in metabolic acidosis may exhibit deep, rapid breathing called Kussmaul respirations which is classically associated with diabetic ketoacidosis. Rapid deep breaths increase the amount of carbon dioxide exhaled, thus lowering the serum carbon dioxide levels, resulting in some degree of compensation. Over compensation via respiratory alkalosis to form an alkalemia does not occur.
Extreme acidemia leads to neurological and cardiac complications:
Neurological: lethargy, stupor, coma, seizures.
Cardiac: arrhythmias (ventricular tachycardia), decreased response to epinephrine; both lead to hypotension (low blood pressure).
An Alternative To Citric Acid:
There is a new type of acid on the market. A hydrochloric acid. The same as what is produced within the body. It is protein safe. It is called “Acid Magic” you can find reference to it here:
I do not have a monetary affiliation with this company. I have personally been using this acid diluted to
10% in preparation of the MMS I use and it is fantastic.
I personally have taken as many as 90 drops at a time of MMS using this acid and very little to none of the adverse side effects.
I do put in 1/8 tsp of salt and sodium bicarb with the solution, as the acid will still produce the chlorates that are not wanted.
I know that chlorites deteriorate into sodium, but let’s remember, that MMS activated with an acid still produces far too many chlorates to chlorites ratios so even with the chlorites turning to
table salt there just are not enough of them in relation to the chlorates.
Jim, this is the temporary solution.
The permanent solution is take the above system of .999% pure chlorine dioxide generation without the chlorates that I used in Angola and “down size” the system into a very simple system that would be very safe for people to produce chlorine dioxide solution at home that is also very alkaline in the range of 7-8 pH and can be safely stored in the refrigerator for months at a time.
I believe I have that very system, but it is not yet available commercially, although I do have a statement from the FDA approving the system, and approving that people can drink it with residuals as high as 3ppm which we both know even 1ppm of chlorine dioxide will and does kill (inactivate) even HIV within minutes.
I like you, am struggling to find financial backing to produce this product, but it come in time.
If you are interested in seeing this product, and trying it please contact me. I am sure that I can send you a sample.
What is truly amazing about this is that it does not require any mixing, or acid to activate the production of chlorine dioxide. Just simply drop the product into a jug of water, and within 12 hours remove the product and what is left behind is 500ppm of pure chlorine dioxide solution which can be safely stored for extended periods of time (months) in the refrigerator.
Then just use ½ tsp of the chlorine dioxide solution to 6
oz. of juice or water. To get to the app: 3ppm, no bad taste, no bad ill after affects what so ever as chlorine dioxide molecules do not affect natural healthy mammal, or human cells at all.
I can elaborate more if you wish. I look forward to your reply.
Director SHL. Inc.