They all think we're obsessed. Ignore their statements, they don't know anything regarding this either and it's not like many are willing to try and figure it out. Try zapping frequency 2114Hz (Rife's zapping frequency for Morgellons-it has worked for me), also may want to zap in the same session for fungus/molds (I've found fungus sometimes to surface when zapping for Morgellons). This will bring fibers to the surface of your skin at first, but it will diminish over time (do salt bath soaks with baking soda, red wine vinegar, food grade diatomaceous earth, with a bit of garlic salt, ginger and cayenne pepper after zapping sessions to relieve skin). I don't know what it is that you describe attached to the fiber, there are so many different types of things out there. You may want to do a search for different parasites/bacteria and see if you can find a close relationship to what you are seeing then try and zap for them. Both
Hulda Clark and Rifes list a multitude of frequencies. If I remember right you do zap? This is the quickest method I know of to relieve bad episodes of things. The supplements are kind of for long term healing.