All minerals, including metals, are broken down by soil micro-organisms and uptaken into plants. That is how we get most of our minerals - from eating plants or else eating animals which consumed the plants. And we have discovered that virtually all minerals, including metals, are important for optimum health and body functions. Thanks to over-farming our soils are very mineral depleted today and we don't get nearly all the essential minerals we need in our diets. I certainly would not worry a whit about applying silver to plants or soils.
That is great info, JAB! We live in a house surrounded by 28 large oak trees in a quite rural setting and we have bugs and critters out the wazoo. I actually like to be seranaded by cicadas, always have. And the tree frogs at night are pretty neat too. But crickets drive me nuts - especially all the ones that make it into the house. Along with the variety of spiders, june bugs, sow bugs, inch worms and you-name-it!
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