Dr Bailey,
I'm new here and just a week into my first cleanse..
I've had a very long and expensive journey of ill health. I've spent a ridiculous amount of time and money trying to get well, trying to understand what's going on. I've learned much in the process.
On reading your post it hit me that
A) people who are suffering are lost and desperate, tired and irritable
B) people who are sick are taken advantage of every day, money is king!
C) Being ill distorts perspective, there is a sense of bewilderment on a soul
level.. Why Me?? What's going on? Somebody make me better..
D) Long time illness diminishes hope, messes with the mind and breaks the spirit..
in a nutshell, people loose perspective and can't ever see a time when good health will prevail
You Dr Bailey are on the receiving end of all this and are fighting the good fight.. gold dust in a world where people are being taken advantage of every day.. your post reminded me that my healing journey is my own. this forum is full of people who want to help, give support and console.. and unless my situation is truly unmanageable I should just trust the process before sending out the SOS to you..
I am full of admiration for what you do and don't expect miracles, but over time your herbs will surely add to my healing journey in a very special way..
You have nothing to prove, and as you say are just one person trying to help in any way you can..
It takes allot of time & searching to distinguish the true healers from the healing sharks,
Bless you and the lineage that you hold,
EH x