Hey guys.I have been taking glutamine for about a noticing a little difference but still have the undigested food in stool.Plus i cant seem to gain any weight back.I also started digestive enzymes...maybe 2 weeks ago.I totally have motility problems as before i was sick i only had bm 2 times a weeks and always had a hard time going.Any reccomendations to keep everything moving?Other then fiber as i heard it feeds sibo.
My symptoms are-loud bowel sounds(sometimes)seems its only when my tummy is empty.I did have weight loss bc i wasnt eating due to no appetite and nausea.Undigested food in stool,foul smelling stool(prolly bc of malabsorbtion)gas,stomach cramping..and sometimes a clammy fainish feeling.I believe i have vitamin/mineral defficiancies bc im not absorbing.Maybe b12?does low levels make u faint?I know i am not anemic,blood pressure is good,i had a small bowel xray the showed no inflammation.Any more advice?I love you helpful.