To post or not to post that was my question, since this is controversial. Well obviously I decided to post, because I figure it may help another parent who is intent on doing this for their child for whatever reason(s) and I hope this helps them.
My daughter has been sluggish and gaining weight. I have been trying to force her to eat well and live healthier. I have even gone as far as to punish her when she doesn’t comply. So during a ‘negotiation time’ (her trying to get some of those privileges back) she easily said okay to
Liver Cleanses once a month.
I had her start with a
Colon Cleanse for about ten days before and a little after. She used orange flavored psyllium husk until she was up to 3 doses a day. It’s a little hard for her to drink, but she takes it okay. I reassured her it would get easier and she’d get used to it. It got a little easier, but she’s not completely used it yet. I also had her eating organic apples and drinking apple juice too. Before the liver cleanse even started, she started exercising ON HER OWN! She actually ate a piece of fruit that wasn’t required! She said she felt like she lost weight before the liver cleanse too. She became less difficult at times and even pleasant at times. If you knew her you would know all these things are little miracles! Who knows if this stuff will keep up (especially the exercising) but it is encouraging!
So the day of the cleanse I used Dr. Clark’s protocols as a guideline delaying everything by one hour. She did eat a little fat, such as light mayo on a sandwich, before 3:00. She started fasting at 3:00 PM.
I put 1 tbs. of
Epsom Salts in 1
oz. of water. At 7:00 she drank it and chased it with 5
oz. of water. I learned this little trick recently. Someone suggested it, but with warm water. Warm water isn’t necessary it just takes a lot longer to get it to dissolve, about 5 minutes. I was surprised how well she took it. I did give her one Tictac afterwards, that’s ‘my’ little SURVIVAL trick. I don’t think I could continue to do ES if I didn’t use that little power pill after because otherwise my body would shudder for about 30 minutes. She said she had a strange feeling (not pain) right where her liver area is. I hadn’t even told her that’s where her liver is. I was amazed. I don’t feel anything with just ES.
She didn’t even go BM before the next ES. I gave her the next ES at 9:00. She went BM getting ready for her 11:00 bedtime. She said it was only softer. (By this time I’m totally liquid, so I was surprised.)
At 11:00 she started her ½ cup of olive oil and ½ cup grapefruit juice mix, plus Dr.
Clarkia Tincture added. I told her to get it down in 5 minutes. It was really hard for her. She kept saying I don’t think I can finish this. I kept reassuring her she was doing good and that she could. She gagged about a mouth full out in the sink but managed to get it down in about 6 minutes. I gave her two Tictacs because it was so much harder. She went to bed.
I gave her morning dose of ES at 7:00. A few minutes later she went BM. I started checking her BM. I was surprised to see her BM was still soft and not liquid yet. But I was thrilled to see 5 stones. All kinda big, the biggest one was about 2cm but egg shaped (so not a full 2cm as I have had) 3 about 1cm and one pea sized. (I was surprised she got them so big on her first one, I just expected pea and bebee sized ones like my first one.) The next BM a few minutes later was liquid. By 8:00 she went a total of 4 times yielding about 60 stones, about ½ bebee sized and the rest from pea sized to the big one of 2cm. The next hour produced about 40 more pea and bebee sized.
During this time she was handling it pretty well. Having a little nausea for a short time after the ES and a bit of an upset stomach.
Before the liver cleanse I was looking forward to it as if it were my own. And when I saw the stones I was excited like they were my own too. It’s kinda funny and weird.
I forgot to warn her that some people have more then air when passing gas at this time. When I wasn’t looking, she started exercising and had a tiny more-than-gas accident. I told her to take it easy today and not to exercise at least until she is recovered.
At 9:00 she took her last ES. This one was harder for her and she tried to get out of it. I was hoping she would pass more stones, so I had her do it. She did pass more stones about 20 pea and bebee sized. But it wasn’t worth it, because she ‘eventually’ started having burning orifice pain while going. She claimed it had to be stomach acid coming out. Can that happen? (I’ve had this happen once with my 4th ES too). I had her sooth it with coconut oil and reassured her that I would not make her take the fourth one next time, both made her feel a little better.
She’s often not hungry in the morning but this time she was and wanted to eat. I kept telling her not until 12:00. 11:00 she drank apple juice. 11:30 she ate an apple (she doesn’t count that as eating). 12:00 she was really hungry and reassured me she could handle a Togo’s sandwich. (I promised her Togo’s for dinner if she was recovered.) I believed she meant it, but not sure whether her body would agree. I decided to let her have it at 12:00. She was fine.
Oh and about 5:00 she passed 3 yellow-brownish slightly larger then pea-sized balls. The coloring didn’t seem as solid as green gallstones. Seemed kinda opaque. There was no solid stool or other stool yet. Does this sound like a different kind of gallstone type other than the green cholesterol ones I mean?
The oil/juice mixture was really hard for her to drink. She said it tasted like chemicals. She asked if there was any other option besides grapefruit juice. I informed her of lemon juice and how it doesn’t mix as well and how she could also take them separately. She is going to try lemon juice next month.
One of the most amazing parts is that she wants to keep up the psyllium husk during the weeks that are not required, but only twice a day. To me that’s a astonishing!
She did really good with the liver cleanse, with the obvious exception of burning butt. I was very proud of her. She even treated me differently, better! After she completed the liver cleanse I informed her that I wanted to buy her a new blank for her skateboard (the top of it) that she had been wanting (not part of our agreement). We went in the store and she let me stay to have it assembled this time, instead of having me pay and leave. We joked around, laughed and talked much of the day like a normal mother and daughter. Who knows if this will keep up, but it is encouraging!
You know, I may have made you think my kid is a handful and she is, but she’s a pretty good kid. There may be sweeter acting kids towards their mothers in this world but there are certainly much much worse. She goes to school, does her schoolwork, doesn’t do drugs, doesn’t get in fights and overall a pretty good kid but with a typical American teen-age attitude.
I would love to hear comments about my post. But you naysayers please don’t be malicious with your posts. Thank you.