Thanks for your answers !
I still cannot see any mold. However there are large dark marks on the wooden floor. But it is hard to tell what it is under the varnish.
I have made allergy tests and I am allergic to one type of mold (which I don't remember the name - one that grows on food) and many other things, I take antihistaminic pills and nose spray against the inflammation. No more nosebleed, but I am afraid it is not an allergy problem and I am just treating one symptom.
Washing the floor with bleach makes the smell stronger during a few days, I stopped that now. The building manager gave me a dehumidifier. I bought a thermometer hygrometer which says 30 to 40% humidity, depending if the dehumidifier is on or not. But I tried to measure the humidity using 2 thermometers and humidify one of them (psychrometer) and then I measure 65% humidity, I dont know what to trust.
Nobody else has health problems in the building, including my neighbors who are under the roof too.
I have less symptoms when I wear a respirator mask. But I cannot keep that thing for sleeping...
Also I had a sudden immune system failure 2 weeks ago, started to have painful herpes in all my mouth, small scars that dont heal, strong pain in the chest. But this also concomitant with stress problems at work and clear physical symptoms associated with strong stress (pain everywhere on the skin, shivering, cold hot feeling, digestion that stops, strong dizzyness -- all things that I already had in other circumstances) , so I dont know again.... now i feel better but still have mild asthma and little pain in the chest.
I want to move out, but my lease states that I have to pay 3 months rent when moving (3x$800) which does not sound acceptable. Of course the landlord says he cannot do anything if I don't see any mold. I expected that. The temperature is around 57 F and they say they will do something. (I hope they dont and I can use that to break the lease)
Is there anyway I can legally prove I have mold without seeing it ? Like health tests or airtests ? Can I force my landlord to do those tests ? (I guess not...)
And is the ozone air purifier really working ? I have heard many bad things about that like toxicity and bad efficiency. Would it be worth the price ?