Help. cant take this anymore. Totally miserable. Have a female yeast infection, that seems in my case to have attacked the outside skins the most. Its burning like mad. I am having rolling panic attacks, which make it burn worse. This is so stressful!
The doc( who I am giving a chance, and she is not doing so good so far.) gave me nystatin ointment topically. It seemed to help for three days, and it is clearing up my one itchy spot. This is day 6 on the nystatin? is this too soon to see results? Is this burning normal process of candida? How long should i expect this to last? whats reasonable? did two doses of diflucan, and i can see thats a waste of time.
Anything I try creates more PAIN. Dont have a rash, just red, and burning on my flesh.
Tried yogurt, acv, sampled some OVC creams- which i cant seem to tolerate *at all.*
What kills this on the skin? I need to KILL it, as i work on internal ways to battle this candida out.
Does fast acting Tanactin kill female yeast? it sure cleared up my boyfriends feet.
Need? No burn remedies.I guess we are all trying to kill it? huh? anyone else here BURN?
Coconut oil is my next experiment. As soon as i can get some. appreciate any thoughts? cindy