I wonder if Randy knows how high up this conspiracy actually goes. Hollywood and the music industry has been controlled by the elite for decades. This little cabal that is feeding off of him is the tip of the iceberg.
I feel for him but it was very smart of him to name names and open this up. Hopefully more will speak up and stand along side him. The more that do the less of the crazy card the controlled media can play on him.
Notice how he was observant of goggles seedy role in social engineering. Anyone doubt this because it is out of your area of current knowledge look at some of the alternative health issues and how sites like quackwatch rank higher on the page. Don;t even get me started on the wiki front for social engineering.
Controlling perception is the game being played. Watch for it here as well as certain entrenched characters pop in to say how kooky conspiracies are, over and over and over....