I had almost stopped having any symptoms, then I did a
parasite cleanse and WHAM! I have not been a functional human being in all the time since I started cleansing. I didn't do the cleanse to help with menopause, because to be honest, I was pretty much thinking it was over...all the hot flashes, etc. were gone. I had pretty good energy for someone with lupus, but I was having some lymph swelling and something strange going on in one eyes, so I thought "Why not?"
Now I'm truly ill. I have no energy, can't think, am spaced out worse and worse every day, and my temperature regulation is shot. I don't have "hot flashes". I start heating up around 7 p.m. and it gets worse until at bedtime, I have the AC on and am lying naked on the bed under a fan thinking I'm going to die! Most nights I can't get comfortable. Covers on, too hot...covers off, too cold. I haven't had a good night's sleep without some sort of herbal sleep aid for weeks. Then I wake up in a house in the low 70's, still hot. Coffee, believe it or not, seems to cool me down. I sit under a fan all day with the air on.
To add insult to injury, I'm GAINING weight, despite being on a diet where I only eat one meal a day and drink two protein shakes. I'm so desperate, I'm thinking of going on a 30-day Master Cleanse just to lose weight. None of my clothes fit. If I can't lose 10
lbs. quick I'll have to go out and buy size 14's, and I'm 5'4" with a small frame.
I finished the
parasite cleanse, and I'm now on a candida cleanse, but after this, unless I'm doing the Master Cleanse, I'm done.
Why is this happening? I'm ready to go to the doctor and get HRT!