My allergies have worsened over the last week with the increased Juniper pollen in the air and my progress has all but left me. Last night my heart was racing while I lied in bed and I couldn't relax the palpitations. To make matters worse, I'm having an increasingly difficult time staying hydrated, urinating as much fluid as I take in--about 30 minutes to an hour after consuming the liquid. I've been adding some himalayanSea Salt to my water and salting my foods, as well as consuming chicken broth to attempt to get more electrolytes in, but I'm still having this issue. I was wondering if anyone had success or could recommend a good strategy for increasing hydration with adrenal fatigue. I'm aware that aldosterone levels in my body (in all liklihood) are low, so this is the chief concern for why this is happening and drinking plain water without any salt is the worst thing for me right now.
Your aldosterone levels likely have nothing to do with this. When we are exposed to allergens the body counters the allergic reaction normally by the release of epinephrine, which is antihistamine and antileukotriene, and corticosteroids to counter inflammation and to modulate the immune response. It is actually adrenal dysfunction that actually lead to the allergies. The epinephrine though increases the heart rate while constricting the blood vessels. This is why you would be experiencing the racing heart and palpitations. The faster the heart rate though also the more blood that is pumped through and filtered by the kidneys, which leads to increased urination.
Drinking purified waters such as reverse osmosis or distilled will make matters worse as these are more rapidly absorbed and eliminated by the body. Water should always be saturated with minerals before drinking it to prevent this problem.
How does one go about saturating their water properly?
I personally use food grade diatomaceous earth, which is primarily silica. I add a spoonful to a gallon of water then allow the DE to settle out. The water dissolves some of the DE forming orthosilicic acid, which is what your body uses to form collagen, elastin and chondroitin in particular. This is what also what helps give bones most of its strength and is responsible for the mineralization of bone. Lack of silica in the body can lead to osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, diverticulitis, arteriosclerosis, emphysema, brittle bones and hair, wrinkles, etc. Anyway, after the water settles out the DE "mud" is left on the bottom of the container. Drink the water off the top. As the water level goes down add more water and let it settle out again. Just leave the DE in there and keep repeating the adding water and letting it settle out. The spoonful of DE will last around a couple of years, but I just dump it out after 6 months or so and start over. The DE is only about $0.40 an ounce and an ounce will last you probably around 10 years at that rate. The easiest way to tell that you are absorbing and utilizing the silica in the DE is the fingernails get really hard after about a week.
The other options are to get some trace mineral drops to add to your water, or add a little trace element salt to your water, which is what most of the trace mineral drops contain.
You rock, btw! I fully intend on stalking as many of your posts as humanly possible. :)
Thanks. Nice to hear someone say something nice once in a while.
I also agree that you rock.
Wow, that was a very thorough response--thank you for the reply and insightful information! Had my fiancé pick up mineral water last night and (surprise, surprise) I didn't have to immediately run to the bathroom after consuming it. Makes me re-think the whole idea of drinking "pure" demineralized water (RO).
Demineralized waters will make you urinate more often because of the simple principle of osmosis. Water will move from a level of higher purity to lower purity in an attempt to reach equilibrium. Since the purified water is more pure than the blood the water rapidly enters the bloodstream. But this puts a sudden load on the system that can be problematic, so the body has to get rid of that excess water as fast as possible. For those not following this there is a simple analogy to show this. If a freshwater fish is suddenly put in to ocean water what happens? Well the blood of the fish has a higher level of fresh water in the cells than in the surrounding environment. So the water leaves the fishes cells and enters the surrounding water dehydrating the fish. Same principle that Epsom salts are used to reduce swelling and salt baths are used to detox the body. In both cases water is being drawn from the body by the higher concentration of salt and lower level of fresh water outside the cells. If a saltwater fish though is suddenly put in to fresh water though the opposite happens. There is a now a higher concentration of fresh water outside the body than inside the body. So the fresh water rushes in to the cells suddenly swelling and rupturing the cells. We also see this is drownings. Near death drownings in fresh water are totally different than in salt water. Water does not enter the lungs in all cases of drowning. When it does though the same rules of osmosis apply. If the water has a high level of purity the water will quickly enter the bloodstream hyperdiluting the blood and electrolytes. If the concentration of minerals/salts is close to the same as in the blood the water remains in the lungs. If the water has a higher concentration of minerals/salts than in the blood the water will draw the blood in to the lungs and you will see a bloody froth in the lungs if you could see inside.
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I'm interested in trying DE solution as the reverse osmosis is just not cutting it and likely furthering my already present mineral deficiencies; however, I was reading online that it's a potent insecticide and antiparasitic agent. Did you have a detox reaction when you first started using DE in your water?
No, I have never gotten a detox reaction from drinking DE water. Although DE is great for removing lead and aluminum from the body. As for insects and parasites this is because the DE shreds worms, scrapes the protective coating off of insects or cuts up their insides if ingested. It does not hurt mammals though if ingested.
I have been using DE for several months but my fingernails are still soft and easily split.I don't really care except that it may indicate some deficiency I need to address.40 yrs ago I remember my Mother took gelatin for her fingernails.Any suggestions?
Soft, flexible and easily split nails do indicate a silica deficiency. If they were dry and brittle then this would indicate an essential fatty acid deficiency.
It could be simply you are not absorbing the silica properly. Silica absorption is increased by the presence of acid. For example, stomach acid levels decline as we age. This leads to a loss of silica absorption, which in turn leads to a loss of structural proteins such as collagen and elastin. It is this loss of structural proteins that lead to "old age" diseases such as osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, diverticulitis, emphysema, etc. Even wrinkles occur from a loss of elastin.
Try adding a little citric or malic acid to your DE water or better yet make sure you maintain your stomach acid levels.
Increasing your vitamin C intake can also help as this is also needed for the production of some structural proteins. Natural sources are best such as kiwis, papaya, watercress, berries, amla, rosehips, nettle leaf, acerola, etc.
Gelatin is a good source of amino acids for the production of structural proteins and silica.
Cool, I have some DE earth that my friend gave me the other day...
What kind of water are you starting with before adding the DE?
I have an R/O system. I try to get spring water when I can, which is already saturated, but when I don't have access I use the R/O water with the silica added.
When you say, "trace element salt" is that Sea Salt or some other kind of salt? How much?
Unrefined sea salt will work, but I prefer mined trace mineral salts like Real Salt, which is cleaner. A pinch to a glass of water is fine. You do not want to add so much that is makes it taste salty. This is another reason I prefer DE to saturate the water since it does not alter the flavor of the water once settled out.
My fingernails are hard already but I have noticed recently that they are getting lines in them. Is this due to a mineral deficiency?
Ridges in the nails can occur for several reasons including anemia and damage to the nail bed.
Will just adding DE be enough to mineralize the water?
Yes, the water will saturate with the minerals in the DE and orthosilicic acid.
They are on the right track. At least the water is mineralized. But they are using alkaline minerals to raise the pH, which is not good. As soon as alkaline waters come in to contact with the stomach acid the acid is neutralized, which is not a good idea. Neutralizing the stomach acid can lead to nutritional deficiencies, allergies, yeast overgrowth, etc.
And the added oxygen is a sales gimmick. The amount of oxygen in water is regulated by things such as pressure and temperature. As the water warms it loses its ability to keep oxygen dissolved. This is why trout, which require a high oxygen level, die in warm water. They suffocate from the lack of oxygen. And the amount of oxygen present would be so minimal in the water that you would get more oxygen by taking a breath.