There is a link at the top of this forum that says "
Liver Flush recipes". If you click that, there is a list of different flushes. I chose to do the
Hulda Clark flush, as that seems to be the most widely used and traditional, but I know a lot of other people practice different methods, such as flushes without
Epsom Salts . Here's what I did:
Fast all day
8pm mix 3/4 cup apple juice with 1 tablespoon ES and drink
Prepare 3/4 cup fresh squeezed grapefruit juice (take out pulp)
Pour 1/2 cup of Bariani olive oil (this is a great organic cold pressed olive oil)
10pm, put grapefruit juice and oil in a jar and shake, drink and go sraight to bed
I had also put castor oil on the liver area before this
Many people have opinions about how you should sleep- on your right side, back etc. But I had trouble sleeping and I was moving all over, didn't seem to make a difference.
6:30am- took the same apple juice and ES mixture
8:30am- took same apple juice and ES mixture
Over the last year, I have done colonics,
parasite cleanse, taken malic acid, take apple cide vinegar regularly, which all helped me prepare for the flush. I hadn't done much preparation right before because, as I said, it was on a whim that I decided to jump in and do it. But all went well.