My husband seems to have a hiatal hernia. His doctor told him that he had an obstruction in his esophagus, and wanted to do an endoscopy, along with the procedure that "pops" whatever is in there. He told him to have a "barium swallow", but my husband couldn't swallow the barium fast enough, and they abandoned the procedure. My husband doesn't plan to use doctors any more, except for insulin, since he has Diabetes I. He has changed his diet over the past year, and lost weight. He is also taking essiac tea, and both of these changes have made a difference in the amount of insulin that he has needed.
Look in to gymnema sylvestre as well. it is not only a sugar blocker, but it also helps with beta cell regeneration.
He can swallow foods, but then they get stuck. I read about hiatal hernia - pulling the stomach down, and I started doing that(lying down position, very gently). It works for awhile, and he is able to get the food down fairly easily. Sometimes, though, he reverts back to his original problem, where the food gets stuck, and he develops a lot of phlegm, in his stomach and esophagus. Then, he throws up, only phlegm most of the time.
Sometimes, the only way he can get the food down is to eat a little ice cream along with the food.
Today he had the phlegm, which he slowed down by taking probiotics, but now he has pain, which he thinks is the bottom of his lungs, on his left side. He says he can feel his valves, and that they seem to open and close at the wrong time during these rough times. He keeps waiting for the food to go down, and the valves to open up. It seems much worse when the phlegm builds up. He is in pain when the phlegm is there.
He has also been drinking bentonite and on the days he doesn't drink it, the problem is much worse. If he eats pineapple, that seems to help, too.
Any light you and your friends can shed on his condition would be extremely appreciated.
Here is an old post discussing hiatal hernias:
He has tried the jumping off the chair or box. His feet hurt from neuropathy, and it didn't work too well for him. He tried it twice.
The neuropathy results from demyelination of the nerves from the elevated glucose. If you can keep the blood sugar under control the myelin can regenerate, although it does this slowly. Lecithin granules, essential fatty acids and sublingual B12 (methylcobalamin) can help speed this up.
Sorry for the alert recorded my browser went mad and recorded some sort of vote whether good or bad i wasnt quick enough to see.
No problem, not the first time.
On the note of hiatal hernias i did a barium swallow and it was found out i dont have one, but i still get this awful palpatation feeling just under my rib cage any idea what that is HV?
Did they check for aneurysms? Masses?
Im not sure but they both sound scary lol.
Nope, neither would be good.
It came back all clear but now im quite worried that its any of the above. Would that go hand in hand with that loud sound thats in time with my heart beat that i told you before?
Sometimes in the bath just as my stomach starts i can see a heart beat in my stomach thats in time with my heart.
You really need to get that checked. An aortic aneurysm in particular can be extremely dangerous.
I forgot to say would the barium swallow not have picked this up?
No. Barium is used to image the lower digestive tract.
An aortic aneurysm would be of the aorta, which is outside the digestive system altogether. Same with a tumor if it is pressing on an artery.
Ahh damn, i had a lung xray a while back would that have shown anything?
Getting doctors to take me seriously is hard so i will maybe need to go private.
I also had a heart scan also which he said showed nothing except some mild regurgitation which he said wsa normal. Would that have shown?
do you think that my husband's intermittent buildup of phlegm in his stomach and esophagus is due to low acid?
Low stomach acidity can lead to acid reflux, which in turn can cause increased phlegm. So it is possible. It can also be sinus drainage from allergies or infection.
Ahh damn, i had a lung xray a while back would that have shown anything?
No. X-rays do not image soft tissue well to begin with. And the problem would be lower than the lungs so even mass would likely be missed.
Getting doctors to take me seriously is hard so i will maybe need to go private.
I also had a heart scan also which he said showed nothing except some mild regurgitation which he said wsa normal. Would that have shown?
No for the same reason. They would not have imaged the aorta that far down.
Would you please give me a recommendation of the best type of bitters for diabetics? And, what could be done if it's sinus?
If you can find some bitter melon on line this would be the best for a bitter in his case. Not only is bitter melon bitter, but it also functions similar to insulin to drop the blood sugar. This can help reduce his insulin needs, which is important since most of the serious side effects of diabetes come from insulin, not the elevated blood glucose.
As for the sinuses here is an old post on sinus infections: