I like to share anything that I come across that maybe helpful to us:
Here's a post from the yahoo forum:
For those of us with TMAU I'm afraid soy and other beans are just out of the
question if we want to control our symptoms. Of course everyone is different
but I find soy and other pulses just as bad for my odour as fish and egg
yolks etc. You could get your protein from egg whites. I know that's not
vegetarian but at least you're not killing anything by eating the egg whites
- the eggs we buy in stores are unfertilized so they would never have made a
chick anyway. And egg whites are really versatile - you can fry and
poach'em. Whip up an omelet. Stir it into a Chinese soup. Make a pavlova.
The other things I find that really exacerbate symptoms is cruciferous
vegetables like cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli and Brussels sprouts. But if
you cut out the soy and these few vegetables and add egg whites you can
still eat white bread, pasta, rice, potatoes and all the other fruits and
vegetables and that way you'll be getting enough protein, carbohydrate and
plenty of vitamins, minerals and fiber from all the fruit and vegetables you
eat. I find that on this regime I am virtually odor free and have had no
negative reactions for years. I also think that vitamin B2, folate and
probiotics make a big difference. Why no try that regime and see how you go