Hi everyone,
Perhaps someone more apt will be able to sort this out.
Three basic ailments that I am trying to fix: pigmentary glaucoma, red eyes and being underweight. I feel they are all interrelated but I have nearly exhausted all options to address these. Should I simply continue more of this what I have been doing so far, or search for new connections ?
What I have done so far (based on symptoms and specific tests):
- balanced minerals (iodine, still working on magnesium, selenium and zinc)
- balanced vitamins (D, B12, B-complex) - lowered high homocysteine
- tested for
parasites (none found, several tests) but did limited deworming nonetheless
- chelated (was moderately mercury and lead toxic, still occassionally repeating chelations for lead)
- improved digestion (mostly Chinese herbs)
- improved liver detoxification (to balance phase I and II, with sulfates, NAC, herbs and other)
- improved psychology, sleep and relaxation (meditation, calming herbs, specific supplements like choline etc)
- improving thyroid (iodine, tyrosine, armour)
- improving adrenals (adrenal extract, herbs, vitamins)
- improving glucose tolerance (herbs, lower-carb high fat diet - this also suggested by hair test - fast oxidiser)
- strenghtening capillaries and veins (mostly herbs)
- low morning temperature - improved only moderately
I have managed to lower my intraocular pressure somewhat and lower its variability (still use eyedrops though). The eye nerve deterioration appears to have stopped or even reversed. This took me over a year of trials and errors. I look now also to be free of heavy metals, with the exception of other environmental toxins (pesticides, PBCEs etc which are still visible in the uriporphyrin profile). No clue how to get rid of them, except expensive panchakarma ayurvedic treatment.
The capillaries strengthening herbs (taken as eye wash) appear to be doing their job and the eye redness subsides slowly.
The one thing (which I think is interconnected) that I am unable to change is my low body weight (and still too low morning body temp). I know that the low-carb diet does not help here. However all my life I found it always very hard to gain on weight (I gain but little even on high-carb diet).
I feel that there might be a reason for this (too low insulin excretion ?, problems with posterior pituitary ?, subfunctioning at adrenal cortex level ?, no clue really) and once deduced, the treatment could be improved.
I will be grateful for any helpful suggestions.