I did not know HC had cancer.
Multiple myeloma
I have recently watched an interesting german documentary film about how calcium could be dangerous (Deadly Calcium).
I found it while browsing on the Internet. Too sad she helped others all her life, but she could not help herself.
Only God knows what she really died of:
"Her doctors evaluated all of Dr. Clark's symptoms and decided multiple myeloma was the best explanation. That is a blood and bone cancer. No biopsy was performed, so it was not one hundred percent certain,"
"It sounds like at the end of their she was mostly relying on traditional Western medicine"
Well, I am afraid most of us will end up taking painkillers some day, but meantime I will rely on alternative medicine as long as possible...
Only raw milk for me and vegetable from a garden. Sour milk (you call it clabbered?) is great for my intestines. I could make clabbered milk from store milk 20 years ago. But when I tried it 5 years ago it got bitter and mouldy, no good bacteria in it.