I don't know about Yom Kippur, but it may be the Jewish name for one of the holy days. The Jewish holy days and the holy days we kept, are very similar I'm sure. I really never understood the difference. I just know we didn't consider ourselves Jewish at all.
We kept Passover, Day of Atonement, The days of Unleavened Bread, The Night to Be much Remembered (there may be another name for that) and The Feast of Tabernacles. I may be leaving out one or two, it's been a long time.
I have a general idea of each one, what the purpose was, but I am afraid to even start to explain them because I'll probably butcher all of them. :)
I know on Passover, they did feet washings, which I was never allowed to do because you had to be baptized first, and I wasn't ever baptized in that church. We always fasted on Day of Atonement, and I did get to participate in that. For the Days of Unleavened Bread, we had to clean out the whole house, and make sure no bread crumbs or anything leavened was in there. Then you had to eat only flat bread all week if you wanted to eat bread. This was to picture getting sin out. I always loved the Matzos, but they were not healthy, made of all white flour. Feast of Tabernacles was picturing the new heaven and earth. We went to various places to celebrate the feast for seven days. We ate a lot of food, because it was the feast. lol