You are absolutely right, BV is NOT a vaginal problem, it is a nutritional problem. You are on the right track, but I will share with you what cured my BV so far for good. It has been 6 months since I implemented this and so far I have had no recurrences. Basically our diet is too acidic. And the raised PH allows the bad bacteria to grow which causes the odor. The bad news for you is that dairy is VERY acidic. So your kefir has good bacteria, but it is also raising your PH. Here is what I have learned about it. Basically vegetables are the only foods that actually lower our PH. Grains, sugars, meats, dairy, and especially alcohol, all are very acidic. So vegetables need to be the biggest part of your diet. What works for me is to have a big salad with every meal, even breakfast. Humans are the only animals the differentiate different foods for different meals. Yes we need variety, but not variety in meals, just variety in foods, which to be free of BV means variety in vegetables. I eat all organic because I believe that toxins also play a role in BV and all disease. And as much of the meat that I can get organic, I do. wild alaska salmon is wonderful and mercury free. So I would suggest going online and researching the low acidic foods, and stick to those as much as possible. If you do eat meat, which I do, just make sure you eat as much vegetables as you do meat. spinach is your best friend! very low acid. I eat a big salad with as many vegetables as I can get in it and a small serving of meat for every meal. I vary the vegetables and the meats and eat fruit very sparingly as it is high in
Sugar so high acid. So to start with, I religiously drank a glass of baking soda water (8
oz water 1/2 tsp baking soda) every morning before I eat anything else. What is important to know about drinking baking soda water is that it must be done on an empty stomach. If you have food in your stomach it will interfere with the absorption of nutrients and cause all sorts of problems. so one hour before or 4 hours after eating. I did this for a month, morning and night, and then I started phasing out the baking soda and keeping up with the high vegetable diet. Your body will thank you in many many ways for this. Now I only take the baking soda water when I have a glass of wine or if I can't get a salad (4 hours later of course) and so far I have had no recurrences. Only when I drink alcohol do I ever notice the slightest odor, then I go drink a glass of baking soda water. This problem almost destroyed my marriage so I am dedicated to sharing this with as many forums as possible. Good luck and good health to you.