I had a full hysterectomy 2 years ago (including ovarys) and am on estrogen pills (premarin) and OTC progesterone cream and happy with those. Just started my first fast (4+ days, depending on how it goes) but also looking at doing longer one. I have two questions:
#1 - should I continue to take the estrogen pill during this fast and/or a longer fast, or does it do more harm than good.
#2 - Can I expect to have additional side effects when the hormones are released from the fat during the fast and, if so, would they lean toward estrogen surplus or deficiency?
I'm already aware that the loss in fat will eventually lead to me needing to adjust my daily HRT. I'm not looking for opinions on whether or not I should take HRT in the long term, so no need to comment on those issues. Thanks for any help anyone can offer!
v in nd