My husband isn't taking the suppliments I've been taking, and he his skin looked the color of cement (gray) with red eyes.
I'm not in nearly such shape, having chest tightness, sore and bleeding gums, a little memory loss, at least I'm in better shape than he is.
I told him to take the stuff I give him whether he likes it or not, so he's doing it.
What I'm doing that seems to be helping:
lemone juice/lemon aide
Lots of citrus
a good (cristline) vit c (about 2000-4000 mgs)
papaya enzyme
vitamin B stress complex
I've been using
Hulda Clark e kidney herbs on and off
I added L-Orinthene because I've been mentally foggy and felt better mentally fairly quicky.
I have a bad feeling that I'm going to be doing massive
parasite cleansing again, I suspect that the benzne was a big help in whatever I have left, or the l-orinthene wouldn't have had such a positive effect.
Unless someone else has a better explanation.
Big reminder, if you use activated charcoal, don't mix it with the suppliments, it wipes out the good stuff with the bad stuff.
Somehow I've found my backbone, and I'm going to keep my health as good as possible until we can get out of here.
It's pretty easy to say, just leave, not so easy to do.