It seems like equipment is working and I guess the pineal scriipt on F165 (with paper on the SC1) will just keep running indefitely?
I had Drenching Sweat last night for first time in months which is why I would say 75% chance this was
parasite killing vs. only 25% hormones.
I also took blue vervain tincture before bed.
Felt dreadful today and hoping I've got a gut full of dead
Ascaris or some other poisoning.
Is one idea to take the blue vervain daily in case the
Ascaris want some?
I just started making the real vervain tincture (for the stinking tapeworms) so I only have tea. I know there was a distinction between when to use tincture (with alkaloids) vs. tea but I can't remember?
I will start back with CoffeeE tomorrow.
I've stocked in a lot of the supplements and homeopathics mentioned the last few months but what to take?