There are two types of christian people that turn from evil:
There are those that don't kill or steal because they are afraid to go to hell.
There are others who do good even when it hurts because they know their reward is in heaven.
Let those would be murderers and theives keep on believing their dystopic fairy tale. It may occasionally keep one of the religious from beating his wife or raping his step-daughter. But when it all ends, where we were all created as the human version of pit-bulls, if we do any good at all in this world, the angels and saints rejoice in our victories. Those moments when we shined are our pearls and all of our villainy and twisted thoughts will be cast as far as the East is from the West and remembered no more. What is twisted will be untwisted, before the great white throneroom judgment seat, at the end of time... The Light can not even look on sin. The Light looks on our darkness and it vanishes...
I personally would rather do loving kindness for kindness sake but the bonus is that our kindnesses on the other side are all saved and that is what is meant by the word "saved." Our wyrm burns on the outside in this life but our soul is an amazing bundle of indestructible light made from the very substance of God...
Let the would be killers fear a vindictive and jealous G-d. That is their G-d. They will change gods upon their death and judgment, while the children of the father-of lights, who delight in loving-kindness get to communicate with aba Father in this world and the next.
Yahshua did not tell the religious people of his day that their father was a murderer for nothing from the begining and the father of lies for nothing...
Let each find his own way home to the G-d who is love, in their own time, but ALL souls will be saved... Those who do more love than those who do not do love will get more of themselves saved than those that do not.... Jajajajaja