Hello fasters,
I have already done small
Water Fasts of 3days when i was sick and it helps me recover faster.
But how fasting can kill worms ? Especially in the lungs, in the stomach, in the small intestines, in the colon.
I'm currently infected with
Ascaris worms type and even if i manage to lower the infection by using zappers + garlic + good living habits, others larveas grow again and the infection spreads again.
What surprises me is that i'm a sportive guy, i'm fit, i have the energy but this infection gives me allergies and make me spit and sneeze yellow mucus (i think it's
Ascaris larveas).
Exercising + deep breathing helps me a lot to improve my blood and lymph circulation to evacuate the waste of these worms but i want to get back the health i had before this infection !
Do you think a
Water Fast can stop the infection and how ?
i've read the books of Arnold Ereth,
Herbert Shelton , John Tilden and they say that
parasites can't live in a healthy body... So that may be a solution.
Also do you think i can eat garlic in addition to the
Water Fast because garlic is really powerfull to purify the blood and the digestive tract !
Thanks for your advices,