Since I was 20 years old (I will be 25 in a few weeks), I have noticed an atrocious change in my.. uh, personal smell which is quite embarrassing and makes me feel dirty, degraded, and completely unfeminine. For years I have washed intensively, wore cotton underwear, used "Eve" scented feminine perfumes, panti-liners, drank gallons of cranberry juice and water, even self-medicated with over-the-counter yeast infection ovules (because I thought that that MUST be what I had, only it didn't burn or have white pastey discharge like a yeast infection) And I STILL have this problem. It's actually causing problems in my relationship because though my boyfriend says he adores me as a person, he is uninterested in making love because of the smell. It doesn't help that it gets worse during/after we have sex.
Actually, I had taken rounds of
Antibiotics for a tooth infection around this time (when I was 20) and I noticed the smell AFTER this point, and I had read that
Antibiotics can kill ALL bacteria in your system, not just the bad bacteria, and so my theory is that's how I contracted Bacterial Vaginosis.
My question now is: HOW THE HELL DO I GET RID OF IT? I'm not interested in "treating" it with harsh drugs (unless they actually WORK and don't just "manage" symptoms and give me a million other side-effects) I want my body back and I don't want to feel like a disgusting, diseased unclean woman anymore.
Have any of you had luck with curing this in yourselves or people that you know and can help me find a road out? Thank you!