Hi leggy,
I noticed you haven't tried a thorough colon cleanse? Is this true? (at least it wasn't in your list in the previous post..you mentioned liver, para, candida,kidney)
Health begins and (ends) in the colon. Anytime you do an organ cleansing you need to have done a colon cleanse before and or at the same time to ensure you are ridding the toxins that you are stirring up.
You Said "I have always had a problem with constipation, depression and anxiety"
Did you know that 90% of Serotonin is synthesized in the gut? How can we be happy if that 'happy place' is covered in many meals worth of undigested fecal matter! MANY people feel much happier after colon cleansing..that is why.
I don't have to tell you why a colon cleanse would be great for constipation eh? :) Removing the blockages/sludge...
Lastly I also think there's a possibility that your anxiety could be linked to gut dysbiosis or leaky gut that you definately have if you have candida. If you have a leaky gut your adrenals will be overworked constantly and can lead to anxiety or not being able to come down.
READ THIS LINK www.curezone.com/forums/fm.asp on my post about Dr.Schulze's Formulas for Colon Cleansing. They are called Intestinal Formula 1 and 2. Then PM or post again if you'd like to know more or where to get it. UNYquity at the Natural Healing Forum has the best prices if you click on her Herbal Apothecary at the link at the top of the forum. She homemakes all of them.
Happy healing!
- Christian