As a user of
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement for almost one year, I would like to share my experience with it. I have had tremendous success with it, for a number of health issues, and am definitely thankful for having it.
Several years ago, I was diagnosed with IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). Within a year of receiving that diagnosis, I was experiencing chronic vomiting, horrible diarrhea, terrible depression, etc. from constantly being ill. I went down the long path of trying to identify the foods to eat/not to eat, the medicines to take/not to take, & underwent several doctor-ordered tests, all to no avail. I sadly tried to live with it!
After five years of this, I started to experience numerous other problems, & was then diagnosed with Graves disease/hyperthyroidism. As I slowly battled these additional health problems, I started to search for the reasons behind them, not wanting to take medication for a 'no-cure disease' for the rest of my life. And that search led me to looking for something natural to boost the immune system, which led me to
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement .
I read everything I could find on the product, ordered the book, & researched it some more, particularly the chemical components & reactions. It seemed safe enough, but I thought I would just test it in the tub water first. I have had a mild case of athlete's foot for about 30 years, & after only one bath, I noticed a difference, it had cleared up some. So I had a second bath a few days later, & it cleared up some more. It disappeared within a few weeks, & has not returned – no more expensive creams, lotions & powders for me, just one of the ways
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement is effecting the pharma profit margins.
More research convinced me to give it a try, & I decided to detox. The day I was to start, my 'annual cold sore' started to swell under my lip, & so I thought the timing was perfect.
I went through the detox as far as I could, until I threw up. I cut back one drop on the next dose, but threw that up too, so I quit for the day. The next day I did the same thing. On the third day, I had bad diarrhea, & did not take any MMS, but I also realized my cold sore had not surfaced -- and I've not seen it since! More pharma products I don’t need to purchase ever again!
About a week or so later, I underwent the detox again, stayed on it for several days. I felt wonderful! I was scheduled to see the doctor again for my hyperthyroidism, & was pleased to hear that my blood work showed my T3 & T4 counts were at perfectly normal levels! It was at that point my doctor reduced my intake of the prescription drug he had given me, & am happy to say is now down to only 5 mg a day!
I now take MMS on a maintenance schedule, and I can honestly say I haven't felt this well in almost a decade! I have not had any issues with my IBS, & have not thrown up since the detox, it seems to be totally under control. Food is no longer my enemy!
After having had so much success with this product, & regardless of what the FDA or anyone else thinks, I know I will never give it up -- I am eternally grateful to Jim Humble for having created it & for giving me back my health & my life!