for supplementing with vitamin E do you reccomend any type over the other? or is it all good?
Vitamin E is not an individual vitamin but rather a group of vitamins. Three tocotrienols and three tocopherols. I prefer a mix of natural tocotrienols and tocopherols. There is a company that has a mix like this, but I cannot think of which company right now.
D-Alpha Tocopheryl Acetate is this natural?
Yes, the "D" form is natural. "DL" is synthetic.
Other than taking vitamins what natural supplements would be a better way to get vitamin E?
Wheat germ, dandelion leaf, rice bran with the oil are all good sources.
Which theory do think is more likely?virus causes cancer or inflammation causes cancer?
There is not a singular cause of cancer. Viruses are by far the most common cause of cancers. I estimate at least 95% of cancers have a viral origin. But there are also bacterial cancers, fungal cancers, parasitical cancers (extremely rare), radiation induced cancers. Then there is the question of carcinogens. I feel that most carcinogens accelerate the growth of existing cancers as opposed to actually causing the cancers.
What is it about fruits and vegetables that inhibit cancer?
There are a number of things such as polyphenols, chloregenic acid, pectins, quercetin, etc. Many are antivirals.
What supplements have been shown to be significant cancer inhibitors....preventative and cure?
As far as herbs chagas are still my first choice followed by chaparral, pau d' arco (more for leukemias and lymphomas), andrographis, turmeric, dulse, myrrh, amla, poke root (very small doses), watercress, ashwagandha, jiaogulan and nettle leaf. There are many more all serving different functions, but these are some of my favorites.
is this the supplement your thinking about and if not how do you rate it.
No, that is not the one I am thinking of. I like the mixture for the most part except two things. They are measuring the vitamin Es in terms of milligrams, but vitamin Es are measured in terms of international units (IUs) so it impossible to tell how much you are actually getting in terms of the IUs you are supposed to get.
The second problem is the miniscule amount of CoQ10 they put in there, which is only 10 micrograms (1000th of a milligram. You need at least 200 milligrams of CoQ10 daily to get any real benefit, but they don't even have 1mg in there. In the industry this practice it called "fairy dusting". Basically this means the manufacturer only puts a trace of an expensive ingredient in to their formula just so it can be listed on the label. It is a very misleading practice since they rely on people not reading the amount, misreading the amount (microgram vs. milligram) or not knowing what is required to derive a benefit. They just want the consumer to see the CoQ10 part and think "I have been hearing about that supplement and it is supposed to be very beneficial. Well it would be if they put enough in there to have some effect on the body. So the practice is very deceptive and I think it should be banned altogether. And personally if I wee looking for a vitamin E supplement I would not buy that product just based on that. After all if they are going to those lengths to be deceptive then what else are they going to be deceptive about? Maybe that is why they are also listing the vitamin Es in milligrams instead of the standard IUs.