Hello everyone. I just wanted to see if anyone would be interested in a friendship with me. With this awful condition I realize it does get lonely at times, mainly because I stay in my house. I would be happy to chat just about anything as well as discussions concerning possible treatments. I am a 19 year old female and would be glad to hear from any one of y'all.
Which condition do you wish to discuss? You have cross posted to boards for three different conditions.
I have a forum The Truth in Medicine, where I have posted on a lot of these topics. So am providing you links to some of these posts. Some of the other posters there may also have some suggestions.
All of them. I suffer from body odor, and I believe it gas something to do with the digestive system.
Bloating and acid reflux:
I display symptoms of IBS, and I am looking into the possibility of leaky gut as a possible cause for the odor.
IBS and leaky gut:
Probiotics such as kefir and cultured foods, fibers and yucca root and licorice root are recommended for IBS and leaky gut.
I don't mind discussing the issue of anxiety either, as I have always dealt with anxiety, which has worsened considerably due to the body odor.
I am currently trying to find out which medications would actually calm me down. Feel free to contact me if you wish to talk about any of these things.
Body odor can be from a number of reasons such as excess protein intake, liver toxicity, excess intake of synthetic B vitamins, etc. A few suggestions to start with include using bitters and natural B vitamin sources to cleanse the liver:
Zinc may also help. Zinc deficiencies can lead to increased body odor and bad breath. Recommended dose is 25mg twice daily with meals.