hi there jesman..sleep is your medicine and the lack of it will only magnify your worry and fear..combine that with the notion founded or unfounded of being abducted is setting you up for one loop the loop and tailspin!!Assert healthy personal control to be good to yourself in areas where you can! hopefully panic stations have subsided by now but for clarity and depending on your stress levels i'll paragraph for your ease.
1. Endless sleepless nights is not conducive for daytime studying and overall mind emotional physical health: you can literally drive yourself,physically ill, mad and over the edge! It's as vital as breathing and eating and of high priority. Nip sleeplessness in the bud anyway you can, there are many options and combinations to choose from to help achieve a good nights sleep. Including simple things like - rearranging your bedroom furniture especially so if your bed is in the "coffin posistion" a term apparently used by some feng shui experts, and means sleeping with feet pointing towards the door! A clients fit full nights and reliance on sleeping drafts slept soundly as a kitten with such readjustments carried out. It was a real eye opener considering the client was just happy to have a change about without knowing fully why the prompt and suggestion in the first place! She had elevated moods an air of contentment and peacefullness during the day instead of the usual grumpy grouchyness for feeling all the more refreashed!
2. The second thing that you have already done is read up on abductions. Sure experiences are varied..but youre more likely to send yourself into the freak zone with the negative stuff than with many other documented experiences some of which are life transforming positive. remind yourself of this and place it at the forefront of your mind instead.
3. thirdly i agree with the last poster. if it rains on a day of a picnic..theres nothing for all the wishfull thinking one can can do to stop it...the only course of action left is do what one can, wrap all contents in the picnic blanket and skidaddle under a tree and carry on there as best you can. "No matter how much i want to reach up to the moon and place it on my lap" ..it's not going to happen..there are many things like this in life, and it's simple as that. as harsh at it sounds there is no other healthier course of action other than the meeting the grades in the lesson of Acceptance as countless experiencers have. It's like a splinter being removed from the soul and the precursor vital and necessary for the recovery process and sign post towards the healing road. But in your own time.
In addition available to an experiencer is a "box of various attitudes". the aim is to select those that will be most effective to help you assimilate, cope and get through the ordeal as best you can. Afterall this is whats only left to us. It's not the fall it's how you pick yourself up and carry on thats relevant and the strategies available to the individual to chhose from, manifold. it doesn't matter if you stumble again at stages like a gambling new born lamb..the thing is as trite as it sounds, unlike people in fatal car accidents, we still get to play ball in the yard for another day and have the chance to exchange a smile again.
In a recent correspondance to a ufologist he said that "things have remarkably quietened down". And the chances of someone being contacted errs more on the unlikely side. anyhow as in an operation at your local hospital under anesthetic..the chances are too that you are none the wiser and remember nothing upon awakening if it does happen.
If you can..During the day - find ways to Relax your mind and give those neurones a complete rest too. like wheels of a car that engage the engine that churns the thoughts...at times its good to step on clutch and silently free wheel. ie disengage the wheels from the mind aiming for periods of time of having no thoughts at all..a soothing balm for those frazzled nerves caused by fretting!
And During the night - someones tip was that he told himself that his bedtime was for one thing only and that was for sleep and sleeping in..no thoughts invited..they had to remain outside behind his closed bedroom door untill the next day upon awakening where he would deal with them only then ..like a rule that was essentially good for him..and would like to pass it on should it be of use to you to reach that land of nod and have sweet dreams in.
interestingly you mention maybe they are becoming comfortable with you...in the same breath, at a certain level, it sounds as though you are aslo becoming comfortable with the idea which does ease things up for you on the anxiety scores and is somewhat progress? Fab!
good luck in the areas of peace of mind and snoozing, the only pragmatic down to earth areas where you can make a difference to the outcome of such an out of the ordinary experience! And p.s some experiences long term are a positive one!
love and light