Living down here, I just don't know what to believe.
I don't buy the tsunami stuff, but I do think that the gulf is pretty screwed up, and it will be for a long time.
I am trying to make sense of a huge loss, we are currently cutting up our carpet and sending to a refiner, preparing to end our shop.
(jewelers work over a rug, when they pull the plug, it goes off to a refiner)
I don't know how much damage the corexit will do to us, and I can't find much information that seems believeable.
I am also wondering what will happen when they finally try to do the bottem kill, we have spent the last couple of months watching the bp cam, now neither of us watch it because we've both come to the conclusion that it's fishy.
It seems so sad, our whole country is just getting out of a horrible recession, the last thing we need is a dead gulf of mexico, but the evidence points to a US governement that is more concerned about it's image than protecting those of us who live down here.
Bp is just doing what big irrresponsible companies do, it's always had a horrible safty record, why they got permission to drill where and how they did still amazes me.
They richly deserve a bankruptcy, but if they do go under, all the people with provable financial losses won't get anything, not good.
As far as the politicians, most people here that i've talked to now firmly believe in a one term limit, anyone in office now can start spending more time with their families.
It's bad enough without cracks in the gulf, and methane bubbles.
It's interesting to me that so many people immediatly swallowed that one, I guess it fits into the liberal view that Big Corporations will Ruin the Earth.
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