Greetings of health & knowledge, #125618!
As usual these days, I must apologize for the huge delay in response time - I'm working on a post that will explain what's happening 'in the background', but I can't ever seen to find the time to finish it so I can post it. Hopefully you'll think the information was worth the wait :)
Ok I am posting this for Uny and the forum. Not thrilled to share this much personally. but I do believe in the collective good and maybe someone else has some of these issues or will get some benefit. I have been thru alot and have learned a great deal more. You know the saying "people who suffer much, know much" Rocky53 (my hubby) and myself have devoted the rest of our life to the 'collective good' of us all - so we truly appreciate your posting :) I agree, those that 'suffer much, know much', but only IF they research, learn and 'do what it takes' to vanquish & overcome their suffering. Otherwise the only thing they actually know is 'how to suffer much'. :(
Lucky you :::grin::: I discern that you're 'seriously serious' about truly natural healing - so I've seriously piled on the links and "reading assignments". There's just no such thing as "too much knowledge", as far as I'm concerned. So please forgive me if I touch on things you already know or understand - I'd rather be guilty of you thinking I'm being condescending or "remedial" than I would be guilty of not providing enough information :)
Also (just fyi), from scanning your posting history on this ID (#125618), it looks like you've already shared most everything (and more) that you shared in this post. Maybe you didn't know...?...that by clicking your CureZone ID# or name, anyone can find your entire posting history. Those of us helping others, commonly read & see what those we're helping have already done & tried - as well as reviewing & looking for information that might assist in helping achieve a major breakthrough.
For instance, after scanning your past posts I see that at one time, you said that you >>> eat extremely well (weston a price/body ecology diets) <<<. But are you aware that Weston Price's research was funded by the Meat & Dairy industries? And that he didn't study any primarily vegetarian cultures? And that research done on 'meat & dairy back then' has virtually no correlation between 'meat & dairy now'? (due to the major difference in farming/ranching/breeds and the high amount of poisons the animals are fed and injected with)? Did you know, that all three of the great natural healers (and many of their counterparts), totally eliminated meat & dairy from the diet in any form while in the healing process? Hey, my roots are in Iowa/farmland country (my grandpa farmed Black Angus beef, my grandma raised chickens, and they always had a freezer full of beef & pork) and plenty of eggs, milk, buttermilk, cream & butter (and cheese & cottage cheese...oh my! :) - so there's likely that no one ever 'loved meat n' cheese' and thought it was healthy/necessary more than this ole gal! In fact, when Rocky n' I started down our healing pathways, we actually shook hands and promised each other, "We're never going to be extreme about this diet/health thing, and we'll certainly never even entertain the idea of being vegan!" But dangit, the more we researched (and more we juice-fasted and cleansed our body, and then actually could see & feel what meat & dairy did) - well, the more healthy we became. The fact is that meat is THE most 'stressful to the body way' to get nutrients, and unless the meat is 100% organic (being pastured/grass fed - no gmo grains, processed with clean water, etc) - meat is also one of the most toxic substances on the planet. Here's some good reading for starters: <<<--- remembering, that was compiled over ten years ago - the dangers now (from gmo grains and other poisons) is even worse.
Also this - >>> take 10g vitamin C <<< Of course, we ALL know that Vitamin C is the most innocent of all supplements, right? We urinate out any excess and our body utilizes the rest effectively for our benefit. Unknown Dangers of Vitamin C
...and after reading that, we know it's a LONG way from being innocent!
The main goal of truly natural healing (not 'alternative medicine'...there is a HUGE difference between the two), is to ensure our body is in it's natural harmony and balance (homeostasis); because once this occurs, the infallible natural healing schematics that are programmed into our bodies can work to heal ANY disease (as long as well give it the 'natural assistance' it needs). We're living in a totally unnatural world, most of us with extremely unnatural lifestyles and exposure to mind/body/cell altering electro/radiation pollution. so we need to give that 'natural assistance' to be achieve natural balance & harmony. There's simply no way our body can achieve natural harmony & balance if we're ingesting unnatural substances that throw it OUT of homeostasis. When we do that, we're forcing the body to expend energy to rebalance itself (and correct the damage caused) before it's own healing schematics can ever be utilized. Ingesting substances that are unnatural to the body for healing the natural body just doesn't make sense...but it sure sells a helluvalotta unnatural substances. :( Yep, "alternative and allopathic medicine" really aren't that far apart - they both utilize substances that are unnatural to the body to achieve remission of symptoms - and almost always without addressing the root cause. Think about it - if you go to an ND, he/she will do some sort of test or analysis and tell you that you're "low on this & that" and "high on this and that" - and then fill a bag with various unnatural, dead, isolated supplements that are supposed to fix you up. HUH? What about addressing WHY you are "low on this & that" and "high on this and that"? Lack of assimilation? toxic/unhealthy diet? supplements throwing the tests out of whack? lack of stomach acid? bile? enzymes? dehydration? congested organs? I've actually had SEVEN severely sick people tell me their ND's told them they were "too weak to do a colon cleanse, juice fast, or liver flush". Give me a friggin' break - how in the WORLD is someone supposed to heal and become stronger if their organs are clogged and they're not assimilating ample quantities of LIVE, enzyme-laden nutrition? 'Sounds like MD-logic to me :::eyeroll:::
Second, from the site 'The Doctor Within', a "chapter" devoted solely to enzymes: One problem though, he recommends using enzyme supplements - and this is not-so-natural. We already know that if we supplement with hormones, that our body's natural production of what we're supplementing slows or stops altogether. So there are MANY that believe this same thing can happen with enzyme production :(
ANyways here's what I pm'ed Uny
hey uny,
I would like to say you've inspired me to learn a bit more about natural healing. WOOHOO! Natural healing is what is best for our natural bodies - 'no doubt about it! I thought I knew a lot but you have so much info. I know that feeling - I'm constantly learning more (and perhaps more importantly, UNlearning the things that prevent me from knowing and realizing the truth).
Ok. So i initially started to become really healthy a few years ago for my acne. and it for the most part is 95-98% cured. Fantastic work! Good for you!! But then I noticed a few warts on "member" about a year ago. I read and read about how the hpv virus will go away with a strong immune system and I was as healthy as anyone. Getting rid of HPV isn't always as easy as that, because a 'strong immune system' is dependent upon MANY various factors. Just fyi, the absence of symptoms doesn't necessarily mean it's "gone away" (many people report a "cure" when they have no more warts - but that doesn't mean the virus isn't dormant, or that your body isn't still dealing with it).
Here's what I've done
1. 3-4 Bowel Cleanses over 2-3 years. (poop 1-3x a day varies but usually 2..this might be a little constipated cuz I heard 3 is better) I did one oxygen based one. 1 Colonix (herbs). And I did a colonic/and some enemas. prob 6 total enemas. That's definitely a good start! The oxygen-based cleaners are pretty worthless in my opinion - folks take them and still see 'chunks of undigested food' in the stool. If it can't even break down 'food pieces', how can it break down/dissolve rubbery layers of mucoid plaque. 'No doubt about it though, the oxy-pills WILL "make you go"....but of course, any isolated magnesium will do that.
"Constipated" = anytime we're not having a healthy/natural bowel movement after each meal (or time we eat). Dr. Christopher said: 1 upon waking; 1 before sleeping; and one after every meal. Standard rule of thumb is to do one very thorough bowel cleansing (30-60 days), then a short (5-7 days) maintenance cleanse 4x yearly.
The problem for most folks is that they cleanse, and then continue ingesting mucous forming foods - dairy & meat are the worst (meat & dairy have absolutely NO fiber, they just turn into gelatinous sludge in the intestines) - and all processed grains (including whole grains ground into flour) also cause build-up. This post (from the paragraph that starts "First things first") is essential reading: The entire post contains really great info (especially the brief synopsis of how we got into this mess with 'modern medicine' :)
Of course, one colonic and six enemas isn't going to make much of a dent...but six enemas is great for learning how to do them and what to expect. It's even greater you know how to do enemas already, because the healthiest way to increase glutathione is with coffee enemas (if you're still ingesting NAC, that's definitely one to get rid of asap - see info below) --and the benefits to the liver and detoxification from coffee enemas are enormous.
2. Taken probiotics for months but decided to make cultured kimche because its cheaper and i like the natural cofactors like lactic acid and enzymes that go along with the cultured veggies that the probiotics don't have. I should eat more raw foods but I have these with every meal for digestion and I have done 2 months with enzymes.
Agreed, natural sources of microbiota are more effective with all the natural co-factors, etc. Problem is, when our gut is a wreck (especially with candida issues & wheat sensitivity?), it's very difficult to get the microbiota to recolonize without working on the cause of the problem & imbalance. Daily probiotics are essential to 'working on the cause', but (as I understand it), they don't/can't recolonize until we ensure the conditions are right for them to recolonize (and of course, we must STOP ingesting anything that "kills critters"!). Cleansing & healing the intestinal tract and removing from our diet anything that worsens the condition are essential And that includes (but is not limited to): any beverage or food made with tap water (juices, sodas, beer, canned foods, etc); microwaved 'food'; bread & pasta (even 'whole grain'), and especially GM substances (corn, canola, soy/oil/lecithin, cotton/cottonseed oil and now beet sugar). GM substances have been shown to do horrible things to our gut flora. Our immune system starts in our gut - in fact, our entire body is symbiotically dependent upon those little critters - so working on this will be very beneficial.
Remember candida albicans is a saprophyte (saprophyte = gets it's nourishment from decaying organic matter). We've had folks on the forum cleansing for 60+ days that are still getting out substantial amounts of black, tar-like rubbery 'decaying & decayed' organic matter. Miss H got out a bunch of debris after several months of cleansing that she said was lighter in color and 'had roots' (exactly like the mycelial form of candida!). If you haven't already run across this in the Working FAQs, be sure to read it carefully & thoroughly. Candida Albicans - Intestinal Yeast Overgrowth - Bacterial Dysbiosis - Gut Dysbiosis
3. I have done 13 Liver Flushes and passed about 2000 stones and I just stopped a few weeks ago cuz I didn't get anymore for the last two flushes. GREAT! 'sounds like you gotten caught up on the 'debris removal'....but of course :::sigh::: we all need to do more than just cleanse - we need stop doing what compromises our liver/body. Detoxifying and retoxifying is better than toxifying without detoxifying...but it wears out the body rapidly (and doesn't create a situation where it's easy to achieve healing). And from the article above on Candida, we see clear evidence that the liver/body is constantly stressed by high blood alcohol levels when we have a candida overgrowth - so good liver support is essential. (yet another reason for daily coffee enemas). Be sure to read this regarding coffee enemas: (and of course, as much of the CE FAQ as possible [FAQ] Healing Cleanse: Coffee Enemas... Working File Thread )
4. Did two parasite cleanses (one w/w/c from clark and the other a double dose of paranil from dr. natura for a month..i liked paranil better). Parasite cleanses are generally not completely effective unless they're combined with deep/thorough colon cleansing. If there's any possibility you have parasites, you should get serious about getting rid of them. Be sure to read this section: Why should I cleanse my colon WHILE ALSO PARASITE KILLING? of this FAQ: [FAQ] Healing Cleanse: Parasites....Working File Thread*Edited
5. did a kidney cleanse. 14 days. humaworm. Humaworm's a good herbal blend - too bad the herbs aren't organic :( And it's encapsulized (folks with any type of digestive compromise rarely get the full benefits from 'encapsulized herbs' because many times the capsules don't dissolve and release the herbs in time for them to be fully assimilated. I, and others on the forum, have seen partially digested capsules in the stool (how's that for a waste of money & effort?! grrrrr).
6. I eat a strict anti candida diet. Questions on that below. although every 2 weeks or so I go out with my friends at college and drink beers and get drunk. That i believe is my one downfall. 'So sorry, I'm not an 'Anointed Health Priest' so I can't absolve you or transmute the poisons you ingest :)
7. I zap alot too Questions below. I understand how zapping can be effective - but I just can't get my head around "electro-therapies" being natural. To heal we always treat the cause. The cause of what we're zapping for is the "lack of a zapper"?
8. I am researching EFT to see if the warts are somehow psychological. EFT rocks!
I eat as much organic as my budget allows and I take supplements like cod liver oil, herbal immune boosters, selenium, and N acetyl cysteine for glutathione. Hmmm, 'organic as much as budget allows' could be 10% or 90% - do the best you possibly can (and be SURE to NEVER ingest GM substances or tap water - and never anything from a microwave):
All herbal supplements should be 100% certified organic or legitimately wild-crafted. Wild-crafting is one of THE biggest scams in the herb industry. Check it out: "Wildcrafted Herbs" - THE BIG SCAM
Wow, I see you've been recommended virtually the 'entire kitchen sink' over the past months by many well-meaning posters on CZ.:( In case you haven't yet realized it, the world of advice on CZ is 90-95% "repeated rumor" or two people read something and talk about it a lot, then 7-10 people repeat it, then 15-20 people repeat it, and within a few months, the 'whatever' is now deemed to be a "truth" because so many people say it all the time.
I continually have found that applying 35% food grade h202 after scraping up the warts a bit will kill the wart, it scabs up and then it comes back a week or so later and will slowly get bigger if I don't kill it again. Of course, the virus is internal (with external symptoms), so topical treatments rarely provide anything more than temporary relief. I have noticed that the skin around the warts has now turned darker (i think thats the virus gettting into the skin). Hmmm, 35% H202 is pretty harsh. Yep, it would burn off the wart temporarily, for sure. The surrounding area becoming 'darker' (and I'd expect 'thicker' maybe) - that sounds more like burning/scarring of the tissue by the H202 than the virus 'getting into the skin'.
I am COMPLETELY lost. I really don't get it. I've cleaned up nicely. Whats the give with my bod? I literally don't know how I could possibly feel better or be healthier? Ahhh gwasshopper :::grin & a hug::: perhaps you don't realize...?...our world is now EXTREMELY POISONOUS to humans! People that 'feel great' and eat a 'healthy diet' are developing signs of aging when they're in their 30's and early 40's.
--Newborn babies have been tested to have nearly 300 toxic chemicals in their blood (and that's just the ones they know how to test for!). Toxic chemicals in babies ...and that's WITH a placental barrier for only nine months. You're in your early 20's (right?), so you haven't had placental barrier for more than two decades - and you've been exposed to tens of thousands more poisons than that.
--Every time a cell phone goes to your head, the blood-brain barrier is 'blown open' for 15-20 minutes.
--Unless your mother/father were "organic", you likely had 12-20 (or more) health-destroying, totally worthless (except to weaken-your-immune-system-mutate-your-dna-and-poison-you-with-mercury-&-aluminum-&-undisclosed-live-viruses) injections they call "vaccines". First this: Vaccination Is Not Immunization Then you can start digging in here:
--Back when I was in jr high (early 1970's), the oxygen level of the air we breath was it's 18% in the country and 12% in the cities. Our bodies are surviving on HALF the amount of oxygen they did 30-40 years ago...and what we're breathing is FULL of poisons (and whatever they're dumping daily in the chemtrails).
This video is 110% worthy of the time it takes to watch...and don't forget, we're now dealing with beet sugar, too:
My point? Your body is running on ultra-hyper-drive 24 hours a day to eliminate poisons and somehow stay alive on this extremely toxic planet, and doing it with HALF the oxygen that humans had less than 40 years ago! I realize none of us are actually-intentionally "working hard" at becoming sick, but when you compare our lifestyles and environment to that of just 50 years ago, our bodies don't know it's not us that 'working hard at it'. We must put in major effort (and use KNOWLEDGE) to ensure we stay healthy and recover from pathogens and the constant cellular mutations that happen daily.
Speaking of cellular alterations...there are some "experts" that believe cancer is 100% caused by viral infections - hence the HPV/cervical cancer connection. I believe that anything (or any combination of things) that causes our cells to mutate, causes cancer - the biggest culprit being poison chemicals & lack of oxygen. It's all about "lack of flow & circulation" when you think about it...give it some thought: Lack of blood flow/oxygen to the brain? various altered mental states. Lack of circulation to the heart? heart disease. Venous/arterial lack of flow? atherosclerosis, hardening of the arteries and vascular insufficiency. Lack of bile flow? constipation and congested liver (the cause of hundreds of issues) Lack of flow/circulation through the kidneys? edema, blood pressure and renal failure. Lack of "circulation" and build-up in the intestinal tract? Disease anywhere the swollen colon "squeezes" an organ out of shape/function, lack of assimilation of nutrients and auto-intoxication (from food/water seeping through years worth of poisons). The list goes on and on and on and on...stagnancy and lack of flow is very serious and extremely 'causative'.
Are you aware that Pasteur's theory is total BS? And that Pasteur recanted on his deathbed, indicating his arch-rival Bechamp, was correct. He said, "the terrain is everything" (which is what Bechamp had said all along). What that boils down to in plain English:
"Germs" don't cause disease any more than mosquitoes cause a pond to be stagnant. It's because the pond is stagnant that the mosquitoes multiply insidiously." The same is true within our body (remember the candida being saprophytes - organisms that get their nourishment from decaying organic matter)'s because our bodies are so stagnant and filled with all KINDS of putrefying toxins that pathogens have the perfect place to feed & proliferate to the 'disease causing' level.
WHAT IS EVEN WORSE is the MD's literally have no idea any info about viruses or HPV. They just say an immune system will "take care of it" and that all you need is to eat "good food" and take a "multivitamin"Eat "good food"? lol...would that be like the toxic slop they feed people in horrorspitals? It's a shame how little know about how the body runs. I wish the drug companies wouldn't have all their hands in the med schools. Agreed, MD's don't know anything about healing. They only know about what is often termed "disease management" (via chemicals & carvings)...and since all the chemicals ARE poisons at some level, with every symptom they "manage", a new symptom occurs. People have to be extremely naive (or not desire to see & know the truth, or of course, fluoridated) to believe this situation is not MUCH deeper than simple 'pharmaceutical greed', eh?
Anyways how in the world would a virus like HPV ever cause cervical cancer for a girl? cell mutation...IF HPV does cause cervical cancer. Just because "they" say it does, doesn't mean it does. But again, it's certainly sold millions (billions?) of dollars worth of injections. Knock on wood of course but if your body is healthy then cancer can't take hold and thats why I'm so frustrated with this virus. I feel I have no "food" for it or whatever symbiotic relationship a virus has with my body but it won't take a hike! As elaborated above, just because we "feel" like we're healthy, doesn't mean we ARE healthy. I know it's harder for you young'uns to discern because you haven't degraded nearly as noticeably as we older you don't see & feel the INCREDIBLE difference that a few months of serious cleansing and diet change actually yields. But if you could go back, just a few decades and see and feel what a man of your age really felt like, say back in the 1920's or 1930's - you'd come back knowing you were sicker than a toxic-dawg (and why it's so tough for your body to beat this virus).
I hesistate to go on a juice fast because I like having energy and I am super active but I think that is the only thing I haven't tried. I read that whole SHulze interview on that and it makes sense the body will have more energy to go and heal and the blood will thin and be able to get into those tough places. And that's absolutely, 100% totally, awesomely correct! And TONS more nutrition, too! Of course, if you're still a meat/dairy eater, you'll swear you're not getting enough nutrition and protein and that you're "weak from hunger"...but it's TRULY 100% mental. Get hungry? Have another pint of juice (or some potassium/mineral broth). A 30 day juice-fast (or longer) is THE most healing and most self-empowering thing you can ever do. Your discernment will sharpen and you'll be able to hear your own 'doctor within' SO much more clearly. Sometimes my head still argues about it, but my body CRAVES it :)
I also know your are a proponent of echinacea but I've taken supplements with that in it and its ok when your on it but when its done its done. maybe i need to up the dose or something idk but i think I am at the point where I feel most supplements are a waste of money. In the future I will only tell people to buy colon, liver, kidney, and parasite cleansing. Leave the rest to your bod. I used to feel exactly like that. I felt that once you cleansed your organs thoroughly and switched to a diet that was free of poisons, our bodies would do the rest. I believed we needed Superfood/diet (to make up for the lack of nutrition in even the purest of organic produce); fish oil of some kind (to make up for the fact that we can't eat oily fish without poisoning ourselves, and the meat & dairy that used to be high in Omega 3 fats now has virtually none)...and that would be enough. (And I "preached that" for quite a few years). But now I'm sure I was wrong. In the perfect world, we would be correct - even in Dr. Christopher's time (basically the 1940's - 1970's) his basic daily diet recommended ACV, cayenne, honey/blackstrap, wheat germ oil, potassium broth and kelp. How much more do we need 40-70 years later? LOTS's us to us to figure out exactly why & what! I'm convinced we need to add garlic (for many reasons) and echinacea daily. And I'm SURE there are things we need to totally delete...GMO's are at the top of that list (and of course anything sprayed or grown with chemical poisons).
The three most important words in natural healing are: enough, enough, enough. Make sure the products you're using are pure, natural and strong enough (something that you likely had no IDEA you needed to do, because very few people know that 95% of the herbs on the market are TOTAL junk); make sure you're taking enough of them; and be absolutely SURE you're doing enough supporting therapies & protocols that your body can utilize the herbs you're taking to create a cure.
I sure hope you don't think I'm picking on you or "beating you up"...I really do appreciate (and seriously respect) the amount of time you're obviously putting in reading, researching and learning. It's just that we're up against a LOT more than most people realize. That "realization" is much easier for those of us that are older. I'm 51 now - I remember my grandparents when they were in their 50's & 60's...they could easily outwork most 35 year olds today. I'll never forget the time I was visiting my grandparents and my grandpa (in his late 70's) and I went out on the 'back forty' to find a lost heifer - he handed me one of his walking sticks and off we went over the gullies & ravines and timber. OMG - it was humiliating. I was a restaurant manager at the time, working 70+ hours a week...all on my feet, walking miles & miles a day. But in a lil' less than an hour I was panting and sweating (and falling more and more behind). He kept stopping and making sure I wasn't lost, and he finally said, "You just sit down and stay where you are - after I find her, I'll come back and get you".
CAN YOU HELP ME! I am LOOOST. But i will say that i've learned so much from this experience. I also know this is lengthy so take your time and whatever you give is a blessing. Uny you rock I really feel welcome on this forum and will def stick around more. I've been reading all your FAQ's like crazy :) nice work water too! You are MORE than "welcome" on this forum - and thanks for your appreciation.
Yep, I can help you - I can help you learn what you need to do to heal yourself. But you're the only one that can get your head around "enough, enough, enough" and then actually do it.
(I've got them on DVDs in the Storefront if you'd rather watch them with better resolution on your TV - but they should all still be available online): Everything I'm saying will make MUCH more sense after you watch them!
You are tremendous. This really is an awesome forum. You didn't have to say such kind words but the fact you did makes me love to hang here. Willowley is AWESOME! She has learned SO much in such a short period of time it's absolutely amazing. I've done some pretty smart things in my life, but one of the smartest of all was asking/begging her to be forum moderator! (even if I do say so myself :)
Yes. The colon cleanses were 30 days. I'm actually prob due for another one. I haven't been going 1 poop/per meal for a couple months its been like 1-2 poops for 3 meals a day. I agree - there's likely no one single 'cleanse' or protocol that's as effective and as important than the one the cures & cleanses the main tube...especially when that tube . It all goes back to basic 3rd grade science class (probably college science now): No life form, no matter how big or how small can sustain life without two things: the ability to assimilate nutrients and ability to expel waste. It doesn't get more important than that! And a cleansed/healed intestinal tract is evidenced by 3-5 healthy bms daily (of course, we need bile flow to ensure adequate peristalsis - bile is our natural IF#1). There are people with liver congestion that could cleanse for years and never achieve 3-5 bms daily because their liver isn't producing or releasing adequate bile...but it sounds like you're doing pretty-okay with the liver cleansing. I'll touch on that in my suggestions below.
Thats really cool about the echinacea and the different potencies avail. unreal when you get the real thing huh! :) The difference really is crazy-phenomenal!
THe Other thing I WANT to add above is this.
1. Besides warts I am really healthy and I don't really like the label of having a disease because I feel great everyday and am healthier than most people I come across except for some CZ'ers. So idk if UNY has a spin on that but I don't feel "sick" you know? With newborn infants testing positive to nearly 300 chemical & metal poisons (and knowing we would test FAR higher) - there's no doubt in my mind how we "feel" (or how we compare to others that are 'sick') has much to do with it. I'm hearing that you're unable to eat wheat, have candida and a systemic virus...I don't mean to be harsh, but that pretty much makes you "sick", eh?
2. I get a tingling feeling "down there" a random spots throughout the day. maybe a few days without or maybe a few on. its the strangest thing. Cold sores caused by the herpes virus are almost always preceded by 'tingling'. I asked an herbalist about it cuz I thought I had parasites but after two cleanses Idk. I think you'd sense this tingling in more than one place if parasites are the cause.She said it could be the virus which would cause that sort of tingling. I actually have been trying to "listen to my inner self" when it comes up and I feel it and I think it might be triggered by trouble foods like wheat and also when I am feeling real tired. Which as I'm writing this would def make sense..when my immune system gets low or something it must be letting the virus do its thing? I agree - any opportunistic pathogen is going to be stronger when we're weaker. Good for you for listening & hearing your 'doctor within'...our doctor within is the one thing we can depend upon...but we have to be knowledgeable & experienced enough to interpret what we're hearing properly. I used to swear I craved Diet Pepsi - then it was meat & dairy...that was my mind screaming it's programming & conditioning at me. Dr. Christopher says our 'taste buds' are THE "biggest mountain"...and he didn't just mean what we like and don't like. It's our MIND constantly screaming what it thinks it likes, knows, needs & wants...and that IS our biggest mountain, no doubt about it (the peak of the mountain, the voice of my doctor within, and the light of the truth gets closer & clearer with every juice fast and healing/cleansing victory!) idk. Also random note. I zap and the tingling goes away. kind of weird again. Hmmm, that seems logical to me. Electricity kills the little buggers. My experience with zapping is it is ok. but isn't the cure all be all Hulda Clark says it to be. I would say it won't hurt you and I guess my philosophy is "if you have an arrow (zapper, colloidal silver, etc) in your quiver and there aren't real side effects..just throw it into the battle" and that might be bad advice but I just type whatever comes to my mind. It's great to "type thoughts outloud" as you think 'em! :) So I'll join you - how do you know that applying electricity to your body doesn't cause harm? It kills critters - what does it do to red/white blood cells? nerves? myelin sheath? tissue? Everything has an equal & opposite reaction, eh? What's the actual end result after 'zapping into' your body? How far does it really travel? And what's the resulting 'ripple effect'? in 15 minutes? 15 days?
Colloidal silver? NEVER internally - we KNOW it kills every form of life it comes into contact with - we are symbiotically dependent upon those 'forms of life'! 'Tis another example of how "alternative" is exactly like "allopathic". With chemo, we poison the body, hoping the immune system can withstand the poison that kills the tumor/cancer. With pathogens we kill all life forms, hoping the good guys will somehow withstand it. :::stomping my lil' feet::: It doesn't work already!!! If it worked, we'd all be pathogen free!!! The reason we have mutated cancer cells and pathogens is NOT a lack of chemo or colloidal silver or antibiotics (and who ever thought up the idea that munching metal --no matter HOW small the particle size-- was something that is NATURAL? omg :::eyeroll:::) Plants naturally ingest rock & metal minerals and transmute them to the correct, natural form for humans/animals to ingest. If we HAVE to go on a serious killing mission, let's use things that are natural to our body. Garlic kills bad guys (most old-school healers indicate it's 'selective' i.e., doesn't kill the good guys, but modern experts debate) - Garlic is ultra-high in inulin (a prebiotic); Garlic is even used in India to help replenish gut flora.
I had 3 questions that I don't know if you know but will ask..
1. I know hpv is curable somehow but when? I'm nervous to have kids one day
Correct, it's curable (there's no such thing as an incurable disease). When? When you learn enough to know what to do, and then put-it-all-together and get'er done.
3. It appears the virus has gotten into the skin around my warts and darkened the got any advice for that? As above (darkening due to trauma/scarring from burning off the warts with 35% H202). I've spent some time searching for images, and I'm not finding any images with darkened skin. Advise? Of course :) Work aggressively on knocking out the virus while topically reducing the size/quantity of the warts...while healing the trauma. I'm sure that's exactly what you've been trying to do - but I think we can come up with a plan of action that will be extremely effective. Once you've started, it's very possible that you'll need to adjust the strategy, depending upon your progress & results - but I see no reason you can't completely heal yourself.
3. does it matter how long you've had a virus for? as in it will take longer/shorter to get rid of it? I don't know for sure. It seems to me that would be easier to eradicate in the 'early stages' (simply because there would be "less" virus -?- hence less weakening of the immune system, etc) - but like I said, I don't "know" that. What I do know is that you CAN eliminate HPV and all it's symptoms.
thank you thank you thank you uny you're welcome, of course!
My questions & recommendations follow (disclaimer: I reserve the right to change my recommendations after reading your reply to the questions :::grin:::)
--Do you have candida issues? celiac? wheat/gluten sensitivity?
--If you have candida, what symptoms and issues do you have?
--What does a "strict anti candida diet" consist of for you? (there's zillions of 'em out there)
--Did you see parasites when you did the parasite cleanses?
--'Willing to give up the 'poison partying' in order to heal & restore your body?
--'What for' are you zapping (other than the warts)? results?
First & foremost, the #1 rule is to stop doing what makes you sick. I'm assuming you're not exposing yourself to the HPV virus any longer, so that's done. The next thing would be to stop doing anything that weakens your immune system. Yeah, that means giving up the partying for a couple of can do it, I know you can! If you feel like you can't, let me know...and I'll give you the information you need to help you get yourself over the 'need'. :::grin:::
Next stop ingesting anything that is unnatural to the body (that which makes us sick or prevents our natural healing schematics from working and/or being utilized), and start doing and taking what IS natural to the body. So ditch any/all unnatural supplements - and take them in food form (brazil nuts for selenium; Superfood for a multi-vitamin/mineral, etc). NAC has a wide array of possible side-effects - I much prefer utilizing CE's to stimulate glutathione and enhance GST...your body will thank-you (and you'll be far more pleased with the results).
Here is a complete list of the adverse affects that have been reported to the FDA for NAC
![Trend of Acetylcysteine's drug interactions, side effects, and effectiveness reports](
How frequent is it:
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'Sound like a "drug"? Yes indeedy, any substance isolated away from it's natural co-factors & phytochemicals is basically a drug. 'Think anything in that list would occur from eating foods high in amino acids that contain everything our body needs to process and utilize them? Exactly.
As far as the rest of the "no" list? You likely already know it:
--No "white" sugar, flour, table salt
--No GMO frankenfoods (in any form) - that means soy/derivatives, canola oil, cottonseed oil, corn/derivatives, beet sugar (unless certified organic)
--No caffeinated anything
--No cell phones or WiFi exposure (all electronics in your bedroom should be a minimum of 10 ft from your head/bed). Think I'm crazy? Check out this general Google search on "immune system" + EMFs:
--No microwaved anything
--No fluoridated anything
--No meat or dairy during the healing phase (the only exception would be organic raw milk kefir in small amounts for replenishing microbiota)
That's all of the "no's" :)
What I suggest (30 day protocol, to be continued/adjusted for another 30 days if necessary). This is to eliminate HPV, and heal candida & gluten sensitivity. All things that are underlined are available in our Storefront (or I can suggest other vendors, or you can make/mix your own).
Remember - when I make these "full recommendations", I'm suggesting what I know to be 100% optimal (what I would do if it were me or Rocky). I don't ever want to end up saying things like, "Well, I knew you probably needed "this or that" but I didn't want to overwhelm you at the start - so now you'll need to do it all again". It's my job to share what I think will be most beneficial - it's your job to do the research and make the decisions.
Starting with nutrition and digestive tract healing:
--30 day Juice Fast, ingesting one gallon of juice daily, plus daily potassium broth (and herbal teas). Here's the recipe for potassium broth (if you don't have everything, just make do with what you have. Do a search and find what veggies are high in potassium, and substitute those for what you can't find):
Thoughts: As you know from reading Dr. Schulzes article on Juice Fasting, it takes 60-65% of the body's daily energy resources to "process" solid foods to get them to the point the nutrients can be assimilated (it's a tough job breaking down fiber, separating the nutrients and breaking them down further into small enough molecules to be assimilated) - the remainder is expelled as fecal matter. So the bottom line is, do you want give your body basically the equivalent of a high-energy, ultra-high-nutrient/enzyme "IV" of nutrition, and let your body utilize that 65% of it's now freed-up energy to bolster your immune system and heal & restore itself? Or do you want to eat solids and use that 65% of your body's energy "making poop"?
--30 days IF#2 (or IF#2 Ultra) - the IF#2 "Ultra" has a bit more bentonite & activated charcoal than the regular IF#2, so it's a stronger adsorber of toxins. Typically I don't recommend the Ultra to start with if someone is having less than 2 bms daily (or needs to take a lot of IF#1 to ensure bowel activity), because the Ultra is a bit more constipating. But from what you're saying, you're already having 2 bms daily - so you likely wouldn't have a bit of a problem with the Ultra. IF#1 as needed
Thoughts: when doing any kind of fasting, our body does release a lot of toxins into the bloodstream, so the IF#2 is not just for colon cleansing. I always have taken IF#2 when I juice-fasted, but I didn't realize how beneficial it was until my last 30-day fast when I decided to stop taking it on Day 17. By the end of the day, I felt like a dawg, and I was an emotional wreck. The next day? I was like a cross between a rabid drill sergeant and a woman experiencing PMS & menopause x 10 while watching a tear-jerker movie. And my teeth had fuzzy socks on them (lol). I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth & tongue again, and just happened to look at my tongue. 100% "marshmallow" - totally white. And the "light bulb" came on...I realized I'd stopped the IF#2 the day before and this be the "detox" I'd never experienced, because I'd always taken the IF#2.
And you're going to be dealing with candida AND viral die-off on top of that. So this is why I'm suggesting you utilize the IF#2 'for the duration'. In fact, adding a teaspoon (or more) of Activated Charcoal powder to each of daily 5 doses of IF#2 is something I highly recommend. Do a search on "activated charcoal" + candida, and you'll see what I mean :)
--Slippery Elm Bark Powder 1T, 3x daily
Slippery Elm is HIGHLY nutritious and contains anti-oxidants; it will help to heal any possible 'leaky gut' issues causes by the candida and help replenish and rebalance the gut flora. Slippery Elm contains calcium, protein, magnesium, manganese, iron, copper, zinc, iodine, sodium, selenium and potassium. It also contains phosphorus and vitamins A, B, C, D, E, F, K, and P
In the links above you will see some mention of Slippery Elm "feeding" Candida - but with the garlic & pau d'arco you'll be taking (both anti fungal & anti viral), the likelihood of that is extremely unlikely :) If you search through several of the 'forum results' in the both links, you'll see a LOT of people with candida & dysbiosis issues utilize it with extremely favorable results. Besides, Slippery Elm feeds the healthy/good microbiota, and you definitely want to take care of them :)
Also, you'll want to have some on hand for using externally - it's known to remove warts of all kinds AND to heal and replenish skin. You'll want to mix it with top-quality aloe gel for external usage (the best source I've found for good aloe gel is Mountain Rose, if you don't have large plants available). Aloe gel is also very effective for all types of warts, and contains allantoin (a cell regenerator). I know of no combination that is more effective than slippery elm + aloe gel for healing & regenerating 'wounded anything'.
Just mix the Aloe gel & Slippery Elm powder until you have something a bit wetter than Play-dough, then spread/pack it on about 1/8" thick (making sure the warts are covered) - then I like to dust on a little more of the Slippery Elm to absorb the wetness. You can then allow that to air dry, or wrap a gauze/cloth around it, and secure it with 'whatever works. This poultice doesn't want to come off (in fact, leaving it on for longer is more effective) - so don't hesitate to do a 'sink bath' on the days/nights you're using it. If any gets wet and/or comes off, just pack more on to take it's place.
Slippery Elm Bark Powder (weight)
1-3T daily = 4-12 grams daily x 30.5 days = 122- 366 grams (454 grams in a pound)
Parasites - If you have any reason to feel you're dealing with intestinal parasites, then now is the best time ever to do a full cleanse. Unyworm (liquid and/or ground/dry herbs) are very effective. Whatever you use, make sure they dry herbs are mixed into the IF#2 (with the Unyworm, you use up to a teaspoon mixed with the IF#2 3 of the 5 daily doses).
Liver Support - It sounds like you've done a great job flushing out the debris, but with candida and the constant stress the liver, you want to be supporting your liver daily.
--Before each dose of IF#2 (5x daily) put 5 drops of the Liver/GB tincture directly on your tongue. The bitter herbs (VERY bitter) will stimulate the liver to produce bile...and you'll get a wee-tiny benefit from the herbs. A two ounce bottle will last well over a month.
Organic Coffee from S.A. Wilsons:
Kidney Support - Everybody needs at least one kidney cleanse yearly, and it needs to be an effective one. Taking a few encapsulated herbs for a week or two isn't nearly enough (it could possibly do for a quick 'maintenance cleanse) - but thorough and effective are the name of the game. I'd recommend two 5 day cleanses over 30 days - but you might choose to 'get by' with just the one 5 day Kidney Cleanse.
Remember, we can't expect our body to be working at full capacity until we have ALL systems working together properly. One of THE biggest downfalls of healing protocols is they want to do everything "one cleanse at a time" - if you think about it logically, that's just ignorant.
From a previous post:
Doing one cleanse at a time, can many times work against us. Think of it like restoring an automobile that's been driven hard & fast for 30 years without much (any!) regular maintenance...and really (REALLY!) cheap fuel - many times 'fuel' that was definitely not even designed for the car! The exhaust is clogged, the fuel lines are filthy, the oil/filter needs changed (desperately), the carburetor needs calibrated and cleaned, sparks & plugs changed & gapped, alternator fixed/adjusted; transmission rebuilt (or at least overhauled); suspension aligned; new tires needed, brake pads replaced., etc. If you cleanse the exhaust & fuel lines (similar to the colon & parasite) before cleansing the oil/filter and carb (liver & parasites), you end up filthy fuel lines and clogged exhaust before you ever get the carb/oil/filter work. But if you do the oil/filter/carb before you cleanse the fuel lines and get the gunk out of the exhaust and deal the points & plugs, the plugs'll be corroded again before you know it. New tires & brake pads before an alignment? A waste of new tires/brake pads. If the alternater is 'shorting or weak' that stresses all the system parts....the electrical flow through the engine is no different than the electrical flow through the body. Change to high-grade fuel before cleansing and restoring the damage from the cheap fuel? :::sigh::: That can end up being a waste of fuel (too rich for the compromised system to handle). The human body is no different. It's always much more effective to 'put it up on blocks' and do a full body cleanse/restore, than it is to do it one at a time. Yep, it's more work, but it's FAR more effective (and you'll get MUCH more life out of the car by doing it that way). Remember: in this toxic/poisoned world, our bodies are like high-performance automobiles CONSTANTLY in overdrive (generally running on VERY low grade fuel with extremely little maintenance). There's no truly safe/healthy protocol (maintenance) we can do, that's as extreme as the totally unnatural conditions we live in. And it's only MDs and "alternative practitioners" that believe we can deal with one system of the body at a time. EVERY system/organ in the body depends upon every other. (Perhaps those analogies weren't "mechanically/technically perfect", but I'm sure you get the idea). In one of Dr. Schulzes interviews he talks about how many people say: "Well I did a colon cleanse; I did several liver flushes already; yeah, I juice fasted a few years ago; yes! I did hot/cold showers; I tried the vegan thing; I took herbs...none of it worked!" And Dr. Schulze replies, "But did you ever do everything TOGETHER?".
HPV & Candida....four herbs.
--Echinacea (to support, bolster & modulate the immune system - also effective topically and used as part as an anti-candida campaign)
-- Pau d' Arco & St. John's Wort (both specific & effective antivirals for HPV). Pau d' Arco is also a specific for Candida.
-- Raw Garlic - the strongest and most effective antifungal, antiviral, antibacterial & antiparasitical herb/food on the planet (more on that below).
Tinctures assimilate into the bloodstream extremely rapidly, but bypass the intestinal tract - teas assimilate into the bloodstream very slowly, but come into contact with the entire digestive tract. So it's logical to use both tinctures & teas when we need to be aggressive.
4 droppersful of Echinacea tincture 3x daily
2-4 droppersful of Pau d' Arco tincture 3x daily
2-4 droppersful of St. John's Wort tincture 3x daily
(I would use a teaspoon of each 3x daily at the very minimum; the only reason I'm even mentioning 'less' is because of possible financial considerations).
You can make a tea of all three herbs together. You'll want 5 cups daily (leaving one cup leftover for topical use as a fomentation).
Basic Instructions:
6 T organic Pau d' Arco inner bark
6 T organic Echinacea Root (optimally a blend of angustifolia & purpurea)
6 T organic St John's Wort herb
Bring 7 cups of distilled or RO water to a boil (no exceptions, water must be distilled or RO filtered) in a glass, stainless or enamels pot or tea kettle. Add the Pau d' Arco and Echinacea. Once it boils, put on a lid and simmer for 15-20 minutes. Then add the St. John's Wort, mix thoroughly, replace the lid and let steep for another 15-30 minutes. I suggest leaving it all on the stove and straining out one cup as you drink it (15 minutes before each dose of IF#2 would work nicely) - you can re-warm it if you'd like.
At the end of the day (before going to sleep), strain out the remaining herbs (there should be at least one cup left, maybe more) and simmer it down to 1/2-3/4 of a cup. Then use this strong tea as a fomentation. Soak a 100% natural fiber cloth (wool, cotton or silk) in the tea and wrap it around your penis - then wrap something waterproof around that and secure it loosely with something stretchy like elastic (which allows for nocturnal erections). You'll need to 'work with it' to come up with something that works comfortably (perhaps it doesn't even need to be 'secured' if you sleep in snug underwear). You can actually apply this atop the Slippery Elm/Aloe poultice (but it'll turn into a gooey mess by morning) - but that's okay, it'll still be effective. Just be sure to apply it directly (no Slippery Elm/Aloe) for a full night's sleep at least 4 nights weekly. You could alternate nightly between the two, or do them both - using the Slippery Elm/Aloe during the day and the fomentation at night. (the Slippery Elm/Aloe will dry and stick/stay in place on your skin, even though you'll be urinating several times daily. I helped a lady that was basically wheelchair bound that had decubitus ulcers, and she used this poultice to regrow skin on her buttocks and the backs of her thighs. Once it dried, she had no problem with it coming off when she lowered/raised her underwear/pants each time she went to the bathroom).
--Raw Garlic: 6-9 large cloves organic garlic daily - minced.
Since you'll (of course!) be wanting Cayenne powder to increase your circulation (and for it's zillions of other benefits - remember, Dr. Christopher recommended 3 teaspoons daily as part of our normal diet) and Apple Cider Vinegar to assist with candida (something also recommended by Dr. Christopher daily) - the easiest/best way to get get the Garlic, ACV & Cayenne in you is what we call the "ACV Bomb" around here. (We call it the Unybomb when using it with the Unyworm liquid) Here are the basic instructions:
When starting with 'therapeutic hot' top-quality Cayenne powder, you start with 1/8 teaspoon per dose and work up to one full teaspoon (3 doses daily). Most people can increase by 1/8 teaspoon every 3-4 days.
And that's that :) Of course, you should do some Barefooting every day to 'ground out' all the toxic EMFs, and do hot/cold showers daily...and as many other health/circulation stimulating protocols as you can fit in. But the above recommendations (done together) should wipe out the HPV, knock a HUGE dent in the candida and likely heal whatever gut/sensitivity issues you're experiencing.
As always - sincerest & healthiest of blessings!