My move? The Fed (as in I'm totally fed-up) didn't happen without the assistance of a group of self-entitled "elite" (cough,spit,sputter,spew), with the stated intent of destroying national sovereignty, ensconcing a one-world government AND religion, and depopulating the globe of what they refer to as "useless eaters" (that would be 90% of us), so that they can easily enslave the rest of humanity.
New. World. Order. NWO
Many that are well-researched theorize the actual intent is to "create a genetically mutated slave race" instead of just what I said above: 'enslave the rest of humanity'...and when you look at the evidence we have of
Genetically-Modified-Organisms substances actually altering our DNA (vaccines, too) -- well, it's FAR more of a stretch to disbelieve it than it is to believe it.
Sun Tsu (again and always): "Know your Enemy and Know Yourself, and you will be victorious in 100 out of 100 battles"
Just in case anyone doesn't know that wants to know - I don't believe in
Conspiracy theories, I believe in
Conspiracy realities.
Let's make truth & freedom reign!