I have never worried about stones getting stuck. Do you realize what comes out of most people is like peasize stuff and you can squeeze it between two fingers it is that soft. Most of them consists of cholesterol. Only people that have real gallbladder trouble and have done an ultrasound will know if they have a calcified stone, like me. I have never worried about a stuck stone, you can just do another flush. Actually in my case it was backwards, I got gallbladder trouble because the stone was in the neck of the gallbladder. I jumped into flushing right away and the stone became free floating and since the bile could flow freely again the gallbladder healed it self. Actually I still have the stone.
When you read Julia Chang's website she says what to do when a stone gets stuck
I used her stuff, most people love it, but I did not feel too well on it, but I am also sensitive to certain herbs. I am trying now some tablets, what probably is not as good as tinctures.