The possibility that you are having a thyroiditis atack is very high. How do I know? 'My labs are in range' is the giveaway phrase. It means that your doctor does not know what he is doing. Welcome to the crowd, most Dr's are not paying attention to your pain on this subject. Please try harder to get someone to look at your body, and to treat you, not your blood tests.
Also, please look into the cure zone
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement forum.
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement is a cleanse that can help you stop such an attack yourself. Many people have improved their health and cured themselves by trying
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement .
Try natural thyroid! Since your body is currently attacking your thyroid, obviously you are not going to try natural thyroid until your auto immune symptoms are gone. I understand that Hashimoto's is an end game for the body after years of the body trying to cope with not enough thyroid (Hypothyroid). So your function was off for years before you came down with Hashi's.
At some point you will have the opportunity to try Natural Dessicatied thyroid. When the time comes, choose Westhroid or anohter brand other than Armour. Because of the change in formulation, Armour is just not working for people as well or at all.
The most important thing is to use something to help you fight bugs and burdens that you are reacting to. Then your body will turn away from attacking itself. Give it a boost. That is where the cleanse helps. It does not cure anything! It kills pathogens so you can heal yourself. Perfectly safe. I don't sell MMS, but it has helped with my health so much, it is super important to mention it. Good luck.