I just completed my 4th
Liver Flush on Friday. I have found them to be very helpful. The third one was the magic one - my liver hurt for days after but then boom, no more cramping in the colon, no more pain in the liver area when I eat and I can digest almonds again no problem (even one used to cause me severe relux etc.), plus my skin looked great and my energy was better! This 4th flush didn't do much. I only passed 15 stones at home compared to hundreds in the previous 3 flushes and then passed about 60 at colonics. (I always go for a
colonic after I flush). I bounced back much more quickly from theis flush as well. However, I have a very itchy anus, so much so it's hard to sleep at night, my nose and ears are also itchy and my joints hurt.
I know I have had candida for years whicvch is part of why I started flusing - it showed up in a bowel test earlier this year, but it has been so long sinec I had these types of symotoms. I also wonder if its
parasites that I flushed out of the liver? I have done
parasite cleanses in the past with no noticeable difference but didn't do them before the flushes. I bought one today and thought given these symtoms it might be a good time to do one. Any thoughts on this? Or could it all just be a detox reaction to the flush that will pass?
Any advice you have is appreciated