Hello everyone
I startet flushing about six years ago with much success, but like an idiot let it slip as I stopped getting attacks. However, just over a month ago I started getting attacks again, attacks lasting days instead of hours. Not just grumbling, but real, constant pain on a scale or 8-10.
I tried
Epsom Salts and mini flushes but nothing worked and I was not happy about flushing in the middle of such violent attacks. In any case, they eventually subsided and on Thursday last week, I decided to do a flush the following day.
Unfortunately, another attack stated and this one has now been going strong for five days, with no let up of the pain. I have not been able to eat anything and even had to resort to a painkilling injection, but that only lasted a few hours, leaving me in unrelenting pain again.
I honestly do not know what to do. As I mentioned, I am not happy about flushing whilst in the middle of an attack, but it is showing no signs of stopping and if I take any more painkillers, I will be really ill. I have tried more
Epsom Salts and have felt two stones come out, but no reduction in pain. As I am not eating, food cannot be a trigger, but quite honestly I cannot take it much longer and the lack of sleep is really getting to me.
Last night, I thought "what the hell" and decided to flush anyway as I did not think the pain could get much worse, but I became nauseous after the
Epsom Salts , which I took in capsules and thew up as soon as I looked at the oil mixture.
I am at my wits end and would be so grateful for any help or suggestions, or even to know if anyone has been through anything similar.
Thanks for reading.