If it were me I would take 90-180 days off the parasite program.
Start juicing daily, do a 20 day colon cleanse and months of liver rebuilding.
Good reading:
I am assuming you don't seem positive for candida?
Dr. Schulze's 16 Steps to a healthier life !
START with cleaning out your elimination organs, especially the colon.
STOP eating animals and their by-products.
Buy a JUICER and use it daily.
Have your SUPERFOOD every day.
MOVE everyday for one hour, SWEAT.
STOP watching television, especially the news.
WEAR cotton and other natural fibers.
Eat more RAW FRESH FOODS and cook only in stainless steel or glass.
DRINK only distilled, filtered of r.o. water.
WALK barefooted and BREATHE DEEPLY
BEGIN and end each day by saying "It's great to be alive and I love myself and I love my life".
HELP someone everyday.
THROW OUT and give away 1/3 of everything you own, Your possessions can bury you.
Learn 1,000 jokes and LAUGH
LOVE, LOVE, and LOVE some more
"The large intestine is so big, that it is connected to, touches, sits next to or is in the vicinity of every major organ in the human body except the brain. Your colon touches most of your major blood vessels and nerves. A sluggish, poorly functioning colon can adversely affect any area of the body." – Richard Schulze, N.D