On Saturday (5/15) I started a 90 day raw food journey. I am new to raw food eating. So I welcome any advice. I am worn out and sick of well feeling sick. I started a blog as well to make me accountable.
The background briefly...almost 8 years ago gave birth to my son. Was very overweight with a Vegan diet and fasting lost all the weight and was very healthy. Then my husband started to eat more fried foods etc, I figured what could one taste hurt? Ended up becoming two, three etc etc. Needless to say I BEEFED up. Not so great. Going from vegan strict to SAD. Its now 8 years later I'm a whopping 169.9 on my small frame (I'm 5'4 but very small build) and its time do something as I just turned 29 last month. My son deserves better then a tired, sick mom. So going to try something drastic and then go back into my vegan lifestyle after. Maybe....I say I will but I may love eating raw. Anyway, any advice etc would love.