thank you both for the replies. i am now on some stronger ayurvedic medicinees (I'm in India) and am feeling a bit better but still have some symptoms - mainly bloating and burping after eating even only a little food or water.
The problem is that I went to the doctor and did a stool test and it came back completely negative for everything - which kind of surprised me given that I have a really obvious stomach bug going on.
The doctor gave a combination medicine with Ornodiazole and ofloxacin but I am scared to take this because i have heard bad stories about floxacin
Antibiotics ...and I doubt its a bacterial problem because its been a kind of starting slowly symptoms building up bit by bit kind of thing rather than explosive thing which normally happens with bacterial infections (please correct me if I'm wrong about that).
I was thinking to take just the ornodiazole or get Tiniadazole as that is good for giardia but as I dont know for sure if its giardia or some other amoeba I wont know the correct dose to take....
in the mean time apart from the ayurvedics I'm eating porridge, soupy rice with miso and a little mung bean, vegetable soups and toast, also a little apple or banana, coconut and garlic chutney. are there any other foods good for this?
if I eat raw garlic how much is needed per day to have any effect? is it good to swallow rather than chew small cloves?
thank you for the help.