IMMUNOTHERAPY 2010: Rupture and restoration of self tolerance
Thanks, that's interesting.
That's a lot of stuff to avoid though. Isn't it hard? What do you eat?
I've never heard of lectin. I hope Hv has some input on this.
What I learned about allergies is that you're allergic to what you eat and what's in your environment. When you change those things you're OK for a minute and then you become allergic to the new things around you and in you.
That's why we need to work on our immune system. But how? Allergy shots, putting tiny proteins into your blood, trick your immune system into thinking it's "self" and OK so it doesn't attack it. That gives your immune system a rest. Then we have to build it up. That's where good habits, herbs, avoiding stuff (and ?) comes in.
That's a lot of stuff to avoid though. Isn't it hard? What do you eat?
I eat primal diet, like a caveman. It eliminates all foods that you can be allergic to. Makes your life well worth living.
That's why we need to work on our immune system. But how?
Parasites will do that for you. But the thing with parasites is that they don't like to live in an environment where the host eats high carb diet. When carbs and sugar are taken away there will be a symbiotic effect between parasites and human.
" In a recent study published in Clinical and Experimental Allergy, investigators found that if mice had their gut infested with parasitic worms, they developed fewer food and airway allergies, but the parasites gave no protection from skin allergies. This is the first evidence that intestinal worms can actually modulate the immune system and “protect” against developing allergies."
"Can Worms Prevent Allergies ?" link:http://www.allergy-clinic.co.uk/hookworms-prevent-allergies/
But I still don't know exactly if parasites prevent allergies or they train immune system to fight allergies.
See my previous post to you about allergies. Nuts and legumes are highly allergic. I don't know what a primal diet is (it's the post ahead of mine).
The candida diet may help. It's mainly meat and vegetables.
Primal diet is cavemans diet but I like to call it more like a lifestyle as doesn't diet mean eating a exact kind of food for a period of time ?
I eat lots of meat and fat (fish too), occasionally including some fruit. Eating only meat and fat is perfectly fine as long as you have balanced omega 3 to 6 and meat is not cooked too much.
These are still lectin sources.
And I disagree that eating only meat is perfectly fine. Where is the fiber to feed the flora? What about the uric acid in the meat and further formed by the breakdown of the proteins? This can especially be a problem for people with kidney disease, alloxan induced diabetes or gout. What about the high iron in most meats, which can feed many pathogens, cancer cells, and increase free radical damage. It is also dangerous for those with hemochromotosis. There are other issues with an all meat diet as well.
I personally do not do well with even a high meat diet. My main problem with it is that it just completely zaps my energy in a few days. i also found that it increases my weight rapidly. So I limit my meat intake and prefer grains, fruits and vegetables as my primary diet since I do much better on these.
Now, a few years later, she has apparently "no catilage" left in her hip sockets. The doctors say it's the worst they've seen. which sounds hyperbolic... but anyway, she's to get hip replacement soon.
It is rare that there would be no cartilage left. Usually what happens is the prominent points wear away the cartilage between them, but cartilage still remains around the edges where it is not being ground away. I would really try to rebuild the cartilage before going in for a hip replacement. Hip replacements are temporary and usually fail around 10 years down the line, although I have heard of a lot of failures around 5 years afterward.
The Bone and Joint stimulates cartilage formation:
Or at least get her on gelatin, silica and vitamin C. It will be a little slower but it should do the trick.
thank you--I just saw your link to someone else, to the site, and the formula, which really looks good. Is the regular size/cost posted meant to last 2 plus months? You mention "tubs".
The formulas are in powder form. The Bone and Joint comes in both a regular version and a vegetarian version. Each tub of powder lasts an average of 2 months with recommended dosing.
I would really try to rebuild the cartilage before going in for a hip replacement.
You would, and *I* would, and I would love to be able to say she would, but I think she's been convinced there's no other option. She is frequently now immobilized, and has a lot of pain. This seems to have progressed quite rapidly, but of course it's been happening over years. I know she has a high tolerance for pain, as well.
Tonight, I was thinking of asking her to post here to you, with all her pertinent info. and seeing if the interaction/suggestions would encourage her to, perhaps, at least rebuild the other hip, through natural means. Both are supposedly quite bad. I can't see how the body could balance itself and acclimatize to one hip replacement and not somehow demand that the other be replaced too--if you see what I mean.
People may compensate from the pain after the replacement. But the main issue is that the deterioration of the hip joint indicates that the tissues are weakening. Silica deficiencies are the main culprit here. Because the tissues are weakening she will see continued problems with the various joints as she is already with the knees. So she either has to address the deterioration or keep replacing the joints one by one with artificial joints.
Otherwise, wouldn't the body try to expel the fortegin object? Do people have to take some kind of anti-rejection stuff?
The metals and other materials used are inert to the body so the body does not reject the object and anti-rejection drugs are not needed. But again they do fail in 5 to 10 years and the surgery will have to be performed again.
The body looks for symmetry, right?
Pretty much, but this is why the body compensates with the injured area.
So the other hip will need replacing too, they tell her. And her knees are also giving her trouble--in fact I think it was they about 4 years ago that started to bother her first. Maybe it was always the hips that were the true (source of the) problem.
If the hips were off alignment then this would cause the body to be at an odd angle putting more strain on the knees. For example if you watch people walk you will see many people wobble as they walk. This is generally from the hips being tilted, which lifts one leg higher. This makes the one leg appear and act shorter than the other although they are the same exact length. But this throws the body in to an unnatural stance placing strain on the knee joints that have to also work harder to take up the extra stress from the shifted weight.
I don't understand the progression of this--but her life history starts with asthma and excema, and I think when you suppress these, you get lots of allergies--and then you get allergy shots, and so on; and bronchitis; and "sick building syndrome", from working in sealed buildings. All very acid-forming, and mineral-depleting. And then...on and on.
They likely had her on steroids, which are well known for causing bone deterioration. These also suppress the immune system and atrophy the adrenals leading to the eczema, bronchitis, etc.
By the way asthma is an inflammatory allergic response.
Another big mistake people make is using non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) for the joint pain. For example ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, Nuprin, etc.), naproxen (Aleve), celecoxib (Celebrex), aspirin, etc. The problem is that the NSAIDs lead to further deterioration of the joints and inhibit healing.
I am still praying for something in the shape of a miracle to stop what feels like it might be a downhill course.
The powdered formaula looks really appealing -- for me too!
I will share the link with her.
I think she's taken aspirin for years, but not much in the way of any other pills. (tums) Cortisone to get her barely functional lately. One shot every 3 weeks or so, (and no doubt a history of cortisone, from the excema). Big craving for salt - is adrenals (?)
Could be or kidney issues casing hyonatremia. Problem is that high sodium also leads to bone deterioration. Make sure she uses a trace element salt to reduce the sodium and to provide other minerals for the bones.
And then there is "insulin resistance". It begins to sound like a house of cards...
Insulin resistance is best addressed with chromium polynicotinate (not picolinate) 200mcg 3 times daily with meals. Magnesium malate can also help. Recommended dose is 300mg twice daily with meals.
Well, it's official. I just heard from my mother, and she says:
"to date there is NO substance in the world that rebuilds cartlidge. NONE or the inventors would be richer than bill gates."
LOL!!! Reminds me of my sister who thinks I am a quack because I told her about all the cancer cures that are out there already. Her multi-degreed fool of a husband made the same comment . If I had a cancer cure I would would be astronomically rich. Since he has so many degrees she thinks he cannot be wrong.
What I ask people like this is if I had a pill that would cure any and all diseases and I sold it for $5.00 a pill with only one pill being needed how long do you think they would let me keep it on the market considering how much revenue disease generates? Unfortunately they still rarely get it. But it is like locally they want to now impose a per-mile tax on our driving because they are losing too much revenue with all the more fuel efficient cars and electric cars coming out. They already make sure to time the lights here so you hit one red after another, which greatly increases fuel consumption. This is the same reason we do not see the water powered cars, 200+ MPG engines, plasma engines, etc. that have been invented on the market. The first plasma engine put in to a car back in 1960 for example ran the car for 60,000 miles before they has to recharge the gases in the engine, which costs about $100. These engines burn no fuel and therefore have no emissions. I saw these engines in person once. The company making them had received a lot of threats and actually found their trucks booby trapped. I also talked to a local man who was also an inventor. He and his friends found a way to turn organic material (grass clippings, leaves, cloth, plastic, etc.) in to crude oil. The oil companies bought them out for $60 million and buried the project. I finally figured out how they did it and it is a pretty simple concept. Another example are the Nucell batteries. The largest battery was 18 inches by 32 inches and produced 100kw of electricity at full power for 50 years. I tried to contact the company within 2 years of obtaining their patent and they were nowhere to be found. This device could completely eliminate the power grid and need for power dams, wind turbines, etc. It could also power ever one of our cars with need to ever buy fuel and eliminating so much pollution. But again this was buried. Recent reports state a corrosion problem, which if you look at the patent you would see is impossible. And I recently found out that the military is using the same technology. These are just a few examples of some of the inventions that would have made people gazillionaires but the government and big business crushed the projects. Speaking of crushed, look up the history of the first electric car. Medicine is no different. They do not want disease cures because it generates way too much revenue. It has even been said that if a cancer cure were to be put on the market that every medical school in the nation would lose so many grants they would go under. Not to mention how many people would be put out of business. Think about what is involved in disease. There are the hospital personnel including those we normally don't correlate such as records keepers, janitors, laundry personnel, security, etc. Then there are the equipment manufacturers and their suppliers, and their suppliers........ Plastics companies, chemical companies, bed manufacturers, transportation companies, the mortician, etc. A cure for disease is not going to make anyone rich because it will seriously hurt the economy if ever allowed. Therefore it will never be allowed.
With all the billions the American Cancer Society gets every year have they ever come up with a single cancer advancement? Not at all. In fact 95% of the money they collect goes to massive salaries at the top, executive travel, and advertising. Less than 5% is used towards research and helping individuals. And the grants do not go to people coming up with successful advances. And what about muscular dystrophy, which Rife was curing back in 1940. Yet we still have the annual telethon in which Jerry Lewis is paid handsomely for his appearance out of the donations. If he really cares about the kids then why doesn't he volunteer his time like the phone volunteers. And why do they fail to show the ex-"Jerry's kids" that cast to the side after they outgrew their cuteness? They protest the lack of help and the abandonment at every year at the telethon, but of course they never show this or talk about it. It is all about the money, not finding a cure.
She adds there is no cartilage and it's very clear on the x-ray. Hip totally impacted. Apparently she was told five years ago she'd need the operation. I guess she tried some glucosamine and chondroitin health food type stuff and it doesn't do much but helps a bit with keping the knee mobile.
I agree about glucosamine. It can help, but it is very slow to work usually taking a minimum of 4 months to even start seeing results. Chondroitin as far as I am concerned is garbage and a total waste of money. Only about 8% is absorbed. All this will be explained in detail in my book.
As far as there not being a cure there she is 100% wrong. Even mainstream medicine has a cure. It is called culturing the cartilage and has been around for a few years. They take a sample of the patients cartilage and culture it in the lab to produce large amount of cartilage cells. These cells are then introduced in to the joint where they can take hold and GROW. Yes, we grow cartilage cells all the time, which is why it can also be reversed with herbs and supplements. And you know what? I don't know one single doctor providing this culturing that is richer than Bill Gates!!! That is because there is more money to be made in hip replacement surgery, especially when they have to repeat it again in 5 to 10 years.
You got me all wound up. OK, where is my GABA?
HV< I realize this didn't happen overnight and takes time, but how long would it take -do you think- for her to see or feel at least some improvement, enough to believe in the possibility of the rebuilding?
There are a lot of anti-inflammatories in the Bone and Joint, so it offers some pain relief right away. As far as rebuilding the cartilage I would estimate 2 to 4 months. My friend blew out his knee playing softball and he regrew his cartilage in 2 months. He blew it out again later and again it took about 2 months to regrow the cartilage. The hip is a much larger joint so I would expect more time. One thing she does have going for her though is the immobility. This will give the cartilage a better chance of taking hold since it will not be grinding away as it grows.
The reasons it works so much faster than glucosamine is that I use the cartilage building blocks rather than something like glucosamine that has to be broken down to be absorbed then reconstructed, which only a small portion does. And I use herbs that act as growth stimulators.