Last september i went on an anti-candida regimen. a stool test (Metametrix) showed c.diff overgrowth, yeast overgrowth and low l.acidophilus & low sIgA as well as 1 unknown parasite
I took vermox for the parasite, symbion probiotics, therbiotic complete, artemesia & a low carb diet.
-Follow up test showed blasto homminis, entamoeba sp. and unknown.
Treated w/ 14 day course of alinia
-Follow up test showed blasto, unknown, hookworm, endolimax nana & strongyloides
Started taking high does probiotics
-follow up test months later showed higher sIGA levels, endolimax & hookworm & unknown
-tested a week later - blasto back, unknown gone, strongyloides gone, endolimax present, entamoeba sp present, trichamonas present & morganella morganii present
just completed 3 day course of vermox and 14 day course of alinia, megadosing on probiotics..will retest in a few weeks and add a test from another lab to compare
thats where i am now