Hi Bio,
I have had parasite stuff come out in my urine for a long time now.
I've been fighting parasites for 3 yrs now, with highly recommended herbal stuff, liver cleanses, zapper, etc.
I have not gotten anywhere and suffer with much movement and biting every day/night.
The stuff in my urine looks either like a gummy piece of white cotton (perhaps candida or a piece of worm), or just a small white worm up to 1-1/2 inch or so, or small pieces of worms. Also ones that are as small as commas. Often with some dark red (my blood, perhaps where they were attached?) in them.
I have found that no regular dr wants anything to do with worms or treatment. No Infectious Disease Dr will treat you without a Positive Test, which is nearly impossible to get.
So we are effectively shut out of getting any help.
I have also gone to chiropractors, including several months of regular apptmts with one who does QRA, Quantum Reflex Analysis, with no help at all. Very expensive supplements also.
i think I have Toxocarias, tapeworm because of many "sesame seeds" released periodically and huge stomach, and liver flukes.
I dont really want to self-experiment with drugs but am getting desperate of anything else ever working for me.
Good luck.